Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top 2 New Year's Resolutions

1. Project 365: It is my goal to blog in some shape, form, or fashion for the entire 365 days out of the year. I started this blog to document our life and have a "scrapbook" of things in life, but I had no idea the friends I would "meet" or the influences that would occur in my life, and the way other people's blogs would touch my life. I hope that I can have a similar influence to others.

2. Lose Weight. Cliche, I know, but I really need to lose weight. I'm hoping to lose 15 pounds, and would be totally satisfied with that. I keep going shopping and buying bigger and bigger jeans, saying I'll go on a diet tomorrow but I fear tomorrow they'll run out of jeans to fit me! Yikes! Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but it is definitely time for a change in this area of my life. NO MORE EXCUSES, LEAH!

Go over to Taylor's blog and share your new year's resolutions! Oh, and she's selling soy candles to help pay for her chemo treatment, so check those out too, would you??

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ~ John 3:16

Monday, December 20, 2010

Top 2 Christmas Memories

1. Opening one present Christmas Eve . . . This is a tradition my husband and I started when we first got married to try and keep us sane between the 30 Christmas' we have to attend, but it is one of my favorite ideas and memories. 

2. Poppa Passing out Presents . . . As a kid, we always went to my Poppa's house and he would crawl under the tree and drag out the presents, and I was always "his helper" I miss that so much, and it will always be my most cherished Christmas memory. 

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Time Flies. I just cannot believe it is the week of Christmas. It seems like yesterday that it was summer. In 7 short months our sweet girl will be turning two. I guess that means we need to get on the ball!

2. Chocolate Covered Pretzels. I'm pretty sure they are the best food idea EVER. Besides steak. And potatoes. Wow, my butt is getting big just thinking of it all.

3. Fellowship. I just love this time of year, and all the fun gatherings. Tonight is the women's Christmas party and my church and I am so excited about the fun, food, and fellowship with other ladies!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cruthis Christmas 2010

 Little Miss was being awfully prissy
 She just loves to "rock-a-bye" and I love watching her do it : )
I want to open it mom! 
Here, I'll help you open it Memaw
 Opening her presents

 Clean up clean up
This is a beautiful quilt Trey's grandmother hand stitched for us. Love it!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We took Ryanne to Branson this past week to see the lights and just get away. We had so much fun! I think this is going to be a new family tradition! : )

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Party

We had our church Sunday School party this past Saturday night, and it was refreshing to fellowship with these people! It is so refreshing to just have a low key fun tim!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Best Idea Ever

Hey Home Depot marketing people,

this is the best idea you've ever had. Could you please pass the memo on to other stores?

- Leah

Thursday, December 9, 2010

17 Months Old

It seems so bizarre to think that my baby is already 17 months old. She has learned so much, and developed leaps and bounds since just last month.

  • You have started to become a pickier eater. Pineapple, bananas, and hot dogs are no longer on your love to eat list.
  • You run around the house looking for "Daw" and you'll stand at the door yelling for him if he won't come in. You just started bending over and patting your leg when you call him, too. 
  • You've learned to close doors, and have to make sure the door is closed to whatever room you're in.
  • You've started to say short phrases like "in there" and "get it" and "rock-a-bye"
  • You LOVE to read. At all hours of the day you bring me book after book to "read" to you. We usually only make it through a page or two before you've moved on, but I know that will soon change.
  • You've learned to communicate so much more over the past month; most of it is not verbally but you seem to be able to express yourself 10X better which is so fun!
  • You are a little clean freak, and love to go around the house picking up trash and putting it in the garbage. You also love to "wash" anything you can get your hands on.
  • You are very good about saying "Thank you" which I love!
  • You are wearing mostly 2T clothes, which are a little big in the waist but your legs are so long, we don't need any high waters! 
  • You adore Mickey Mouse and dancing to the music in the show (and anything else)
  • You LOVE gogurt, and it's so fun to watch you eat it. You have to do it yourself. 
  • You have also gotten so independent. You love to put on your own pants and shoes and socks. You want to drink from a big cup, and you don't want to eat in your high chair. 
I love that you are growing and learning and healthy, but at the same time it's tough to see you grow out of being a baby so quickly. I love you sweet girl!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Growing like a Weed

I was "organizing" my computer today, and looking through old pictures (and videos) and just amazed by how fast Ryanne has grown in only a short few months. This first picture is from early football season, and it seems like she has grown so much just from it. The other 2 are from her birthday, and the difference is just UNREAL. Where is the pause button?? If you find one, could you please pass it along?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Easy Cheesy Pizza

This is the best pizza recipe. Food critics need not read ahead, but for moms in a hurry this is a 5 minute pizza recipe that can really hit the spot!

All you need is pizza sauce, tortilla shells, cheese, and pepperoni
 Put some sauce on the tortilla shell

 Then sprinkle some cheese on top. I love cheese so I put 2 layers, you can do less of course.
 Then add pepperoni. I cover the shell, because I love pepperoni. And to gain weight, apparently.
 Then add more cheese.
 And bake at 350 degrees until the cheese is nice and gooey. Then take your hat off to the chef. Okay not really. But it really is quick and easy!


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