Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday's List: Crock Pot Recipes

Crock Pot Recipes!

crock pot: –noun; an electric cooking pot with a tight-fitting lid for cooking meats, casseroles, etc., for several hours at relatively low temperatures, usually around 200° F (93.3° C). OR BETTER YET: the easy way to cook when you have a toddler and are in nursing school!!

Cockatil Weinees (sorry I laughed typing that. Twice)

Since it's football season, and mid-term season that leads to no real cooking in my house . . .
but this recipes makes a great appetizer or snack!

1 lb cocktail wieners (usually doesn't cut it at my house, but you can add more)
1 cup honey bbq sauce
1/2 cup grape jelly
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
2 tablespoons Worcheshire sauce

Sweet and spicy . . .just like yours truly :)

For the same reasons as above ;) : Tex Mex Cheese Dip

•1 8 oz. package of cream cheese
•1 can of rotel or salsa - I'm not a veggies person, so I stick to rotel
•1/2 lb. ground meat (beef, turkey, sausage) - but I use beef. Because I'm a beef kind of girl.
. . . and of course the Velveeta!

Cook the meat, heat the cheese, add the rest . . . you get the idea! And serve to some hungry men. But only if you don't want any left over for yourself.

Okay, I'm off to meet the books. Midterms - meet Leah. Leah meet Baldness. And Mental Insanity.

   . . . .See you on the other side, if I make it out!!


Lisa said...

Cocktail Weinies are so good!!

Smiling is Good for Your Teeth said...

So I know that cooking with a crockpot is supposed to be super easy..but I have to beg to differ! I have tried one recipe and it came out terrible...I will try your recipes here and let you know how they turn out...you may have just turned my bad experience right around :-)

Lindsey said...

I love coctail weinies, they are a must at most family gatherings. :) Come check out my giveaway!!

Anonymous said...


Smiling is Good for your Teeth said...

So I know that cooking with a crockpot is supposed to be super easy..but I have to beg to differ! I have tried one recipe and it came out terrible...I will try your recipes here and let you know how they turn out...you may have just turned my bad experience right around :-)


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