Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Year Ago . . . . I was 9 Months Pregnant!

Today I was thinking about the fact that a year ago, I was 9 months pregnant and anxiously awaiting Ry's arrival. We had an absolutely wonderful shower before she arrived

But I was so nervous. Would I be a good mom? Would Ryanne love me? Could I really deliver her? Or would she be trapper forever? Could I nurse? Would she eat? How would I change her diapers? What if I didn't know I was in labor (ha!ha!) ?

Looking back, I had so many unnecessary apprehensions and today, I just roll with the punches. So what if she eats dirt - it won't hurt her. (kidding, well sort of) Anyway, I thought I would share some pics of my newborn baby before I can't call her an infant anymore.

Trey and I before she I delivered her
Sweet newborn Ry
Our little family~!
Dad and Ry
My two loves sleeping away

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rocker Baby!

Trey and I had been thinking about getting Ry a rocking chair for her birthday, but wondered if she would like it. This past Sunday, we let her play in a baby rocking chair at Trey's grandparents. Oh my, did she ever like it! I thought she was not going to get out of it, or if she did it would be from rocking so hard she fell out. It was hilarious! I just love watching her learn new things and grow.

On another note, earlier this week I turned it my two week notice at work to pursue my college degree full time. I will so much enjoy having more time with Ry, but I look forward to working full force toward a career as well. I am working toward becoming a medical dosimetrist. UAMS only takes 4 people per year - so say a prayer for me!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This past Sunday was an important day in our lives. Ryanne was the fourth generation of my husband's family to be Christened at Roe Methodist Church. It was really a wonderful experience.

Before Sunday, I had many reservations about the whole process. But I'm glad that we decided to do it. As I stood there with Ry in front of the Church, I simply could not imagine my life without her or before her. Before Sunday, I felt very defeated. Very much like I was never going to get anywhere that I wanted to go. There are many days that I feel unsatisfactory because I'm not where I think I should be in my career (or lack of one). God showed me how wrong I was looking at things. I have a beautiful new home, and a wonderful husband and the most precious baby girl. And now, Thank God, I have the opportunity to not work full time so that I can devote my time to finishing school and reaching for that career I used to dream of.

Here are some pictures from Ry's Christening. Enjoy.

 My little Family!
While Ry is Being Christened
Ry with Bro. Joe
Us with Trey's grandparents
Us with Trey's Parents
Us with Uncle Alex
Trey and I with My Fam


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