Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to the Grindstone

Sorry I've been so bad at updating lately. But I won't promise it will get better, because my classes start again tomorrow.

On a different note, Ry is now 13 months old. I know! Can you believe it?

  • She started walking at about 12 1/2 months
  • She can now say Mama, Dada, UhOh, Dawwas (Dallas, our dog), and communicates no very well by shaking her head persistently but thankfully hasn't learned the word yet ;)
  • She will give kisses on demand
  • She loves playing ball and tug of war with Dallas
  • She has developed a new love for spaghetti
But then again, what kid doesn't love spaghetti? And mine's a Cruthis so we all know she loves to eat ;)

Sorry for some of the pictures poor quality, but they're iPhone Pics.

She is such a happy baby!

Ry and I playing

 We were getting ready for the yard sale and she wanted to help

Look, Mom! It goes on my head.

I've got my shades on like my Momma!

From Ry's Birthday . . . Trey's Family

Part of my Family . . .

Ry LOVES marinara. Thanks, but no thanks, Grampy

Sweet Girl Playing in her Wagon

Opening Birthday Presents; She had 0 interest

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Gear

In honor of my very "first" professional photo shoot, ladies and gentelman, let me introduce to you my gear. I got this stuff about a month ago, and have always dreamed of photography. When Ryanne was born, it inspired me more. My goal is to become a wedding photographer, so here I go on my way.

The cast . . . .

So there they are ladies and gentelmen!! Aren't you pumped about it? No? Oh well, I am and that's what matters. So on the same note . . . I have started a blog for my photography company, you can find it HERE. So check it out and leave me some love!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I've had many of my friends and family ask over the past few months what dosimetry is. Since I am hoping to go to UAMS to become a dosimetrist next year, I thought I would share a little bit more about dosimetry with you guys.

This is what a typical dosimetrist does (on varying parts of the body) in their workday. They use physics, computers, and computer imaging to preserve the life of organs while their patients undergo treatment.

Medical dosimetrists work primarily in radiation treatment centers and comprehensive cancer centers. Radiation dosimetry is the calculation of the absorbed dose in matter and tissue resulting from the exposure to indirectly and directly ionizing radiation. It is a scientific subspecialty in the fields of health physics and medical physics that is focused on the calculation of internal and external doses from ionizing radiation.

Medical dosimetrists work with the radiation oncologist and the medical physicist on the oncology team to develop a plan that will administer the correct dose of radiation to each patient for his/her radiation treatment. Since all the calculations are derived from diagnostic scans (X-ray, CT, MRI, PET) the medical dosimetrist works primarily with computers to develop the treatment plans which once approved are delivered to the patient usually over a period of several weeks. This profession has emerged because of the increased need for high precision in the planning of radiation treatment for cancer.

Highly trained professionals with strong backgrounds in physics and computing and with good communication skills make the best dosimetrists.

Medical dosimetrists work very closely with the medical physicists and typically function as a member of the medical physics division, reporting to the chief of that service. As members of the medical physics team, they are often involved in radiation safety training, patient education, and the education of radiation therapists.

Clear as mud???? Well, maybe that helps a little, anyway.


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