On Friday, April 20, we put Ryanne to bed early because I wasn't feeling super well & was tired. Around nine, I felt a gush of water. Unsure, I stood up and felt more water running down my legs so I woke Trey up and started gathering things to head to the hospital.
We called my Mom to come over and stay with Ry and left for the hospital. My contractions very obviously picked up on the trip there. They were 2-3 minutes apart during the drive. We got there a little after ten and checked in.
At this point, I was 4 cm and 80% effaced. The nurse we had that night was amazing. When I delivered Ry, our night nurse was nothing short of a nightmare and it was such a blessing to have such a great nurse this time around.
Around midnight, she checked again and I was now 6 cm. Before I had been weary of an epidural because I didn't want it to slow my contractions and have to get pitocin right out of the gate, but at this point I decided to go ahead and get it. Afterwards, I tried to get some sleep.
Around one, Drake's heart rate plummeted, and I was put on oxygen and turned to get a better blood flow to him. Thankfully, it quickly resolved and was just an isolated incident.
At three, she checked again and I had progressed to 8 cm. Can I just say that after a 29 hour pitocin-augmented induction with Ryanne, it was so nice to actually be making change on my own (and not at a pace slower than ice melts)?
Around six, I started vomiting (that was fun!) and she checked only to find out that I was complete. The nurse thought Drake was "sunny side up" and still pretty high in my cervix so she had me turn trying to get him to switch to face down and move on down.
With the changing of the guard, the new nurse came in and had me test push, and immediately stopped me to go call the doctor. Apparently the on call doctor also changed then, and it took a little over an hour before the doctor got there. Finally, around 8:30 I started pushing and sweet Drake was born at 8:34!
When he was born, he didn't cry at first and I was totally having a panic attack. The doctor suctioned him well and carried him over to the warmer, and eventually I heard his first sweet cries (and felt a huge sigh of relief!)
He weighed 9 pounds and 15 ounces (which was ironically the same as my birth weight) and was 22 and 3/4 inches long.
After Drake was born, his blood sugar were low, so he was sent temporarily to the NICU for a couple tube feeds and to monitor his blood sugar levels. We finally got him back around 4pm that afternoon. Since then, he has had no issues with it. We were told it is pretty common for such large babies to have low blood sugar levels early on because they can't adjust quickly to getting such little food after they were getting so much in utero. Anyway, we are thankful that we now have a happy, healthy baby!