Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So what?

So what if . . . .

  • I don't have to pack up Valentine's Day decor because I never put it out. And I might still have a box of Christmas decor in my dining room. 
  • I updated my blog for the first time in February yesterday. On the 21st. What can I say? Life's busy.
  • I may have had at least four coke Icees in the last week. You know, maybe. 
  • I hid a couple boxes of tupperware underneath my washer and dryer so I didn't have to organize them and put them away in the kitchen. 
  • I'm pathetically excited to see the OB this afternoon. I'm going to miss her so after Drake is born. 
  • Ryanne has memorized the Nick Jr programming line-up. At least it's educational, right? But if I hear that an eagle is invading my bedroom one more time, I might flip. 
  • Cardboard boxes make better toys than the room full someone {ahem!} has. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

31 weeks

Drake is certainly growing . . . you know, in case you couldn't tell. Seems like daily some jerk kind, concerned citizen feels the need to tell me that I look like I will pop any day. At my last appointment, my stomach grew an extra cm again. Can I tell you I'm rather concerned about the process of birthing this child? Ryanne was almost 23in long, and well I'm scared. Ha!

I gained 4 lbs at my last appointment, but honestly I have no clue what that puts me at. Around 15, I think? I'll have to ask tomorrow. There are just better things to do than remember how much weight you've gained. Can I get an amen? ; )

I'm loving my blue maternity jeans (Thanks, Sarah for picking them up for me!) and living in leggings as much as possible.

I'm addicted to fruit & anything salty. I pretty much walk around the house with an apple and a bag of pretzels non-stop.

Tomorrow is my first three week appointment, and then I'm sure we'll move quickly to two week appointments. This is flying by!!


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