Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ryanne's Third Birthday Party

We celebrated Ry's 3rd birthday party this evening. She is obsessed with my little pony, so her party was of course full of cheesy my little pony decor :) 

Ry's sweet Nana made cupcakes because Ry *needed* strawberry "cake" and the cake was already vanilla. 

We got Ry her first bicycle and took her out this afternoon to ride it. She was elated. (I promise her hair is not always in her face, but no matter how hard I try the bows/clips/ponytails always come out) 

Apparently steering the bicycle is hard work & takes lots of concentration

I got annoyed with the plastic tablecloth, so I used an old blue sheet for the tablecloth & made a bow with the pink one. I'm not sure if that qualifies as ingenuitive or? We'll just go with ingenuitive. 

This is one of her current lovely fake smile faces. 

I think she was up to something. I just haven't figured out what it was yet . . . 

Ry and her sweet best friend, Kynlee. I never really had a good friend as a (young) child so it's so special to me for her to. She is always talking about her "sister Kynlee" 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Best Toddler Apps


Team Umi Zoomi Math: Zoom into Numbers
This cute app helps to teach number recognition as well as basic math skills. (Best for older toddlers & pre-schoolers)

Toddler Phone Tap
This is another great number recognition app. Not to mention that it allows them to "call" and dial numbers without actually calling people in your phone.

This app is a video viewing app that blocks inappropriate content so it's safer than handing the phone over to your toddler to view a video on youtube. You can choose an age range, or a specific topic you want & let your child view several videos that fit that criteria, but feel safe knowing that is all they are viewing

Ryanne loves this app because it shows you all the letters in vibrant colors & repeats them aloud. As she learned her letters in school, this has been great reinforcement (but she still has some to learn!)

This app has several typical kid songs that it will either sing to them or let them sing to the music. It is easily Ry's favorite app, hands down.

Monkey Preschool Lunchbox
This app has matching & puzzle games & is just plain fun to play. Not speaking from experience or anything ;)

Disney Junior!
This is a fairly new app, but it is great! You can watch any of your (or your child's) favorite Disney junior shows right from the iPhone or iPad.

Toddler Shapes
This is similar to the alphabet app, but lets your little one easily learn their shapes.

These are just a few of our favorite apps that we've discovered along the way. I thought I would share since I'm always on the hunt for great apps.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Photo Catch-Up

To say life has been hectic lately would be an understatement. Clearly, we are still adjusting to life as a family of four and I'm playing catch-up on all the things that took a back seat to school & my pregnancy (which was a lot). So in the meantime, I'll just share some pictures of life lately . . .

Ryanne loves to play in her old toys, as I've noticed most older siblings do. 

She is so sweet to Drake. I couldn't have asked for a better reaction (for now). 

Both babies at 2 months. What do you think? They look alike or not? 

I simply cannot believe how big and how fast this boy is growing. It's hard to imagine our life before him now. 


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