Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday's List: Fall Fashion

Fall Fashion: What to Love and What to Hate
Let's start with what I HATE
Lingerie as outerwear . . . I mean really? I don't want to see your under-roos. Don't get me wrong, there are a [small] select few who it looks smokin' hot on, but the general population - definitely not. I don't want to encourage the world to let me see there underwear. I see enough of it popping on of tweens too tight blue jeans. Boy, do I sound old and crotchety. 

Leather Clothing:  Well, you see, leather was cool. WAS cool. But it's not anymore. Leather shoes are fun, and so are leather purses, but in between my shoes and my purse on my body: NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. 

 Lace: simple, elegant, beautiful . . .maybe it's me getting older but I am in love with the lace trends

I'm also LOVING the rich reds and purples this season. (Not these specific outfits so don't go thinking I've gone crazy) I love the deep colors and the vibrancy they bring to my glow in the dark frame.


Veronika said...

I think lingerie as outerwear is silly too :)
I've seen a lot of it lately though...

Veronika said...

I think lingerie as outerwear is silly too :)
I've seen a lot of it lately though...


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