We made it to week 2, only 50 more to go right? Ha! I apologize in advance, but I pretty much think my daughter is the cutest thing to ever walk the planet (besides my husband, but in a totally different way) so most of the pictures will be of her. But who doesn't love watching a toddler?? Well, if you don't, you should have your head examined! They're precious.
On Wednesday, we went with Trey's parents to try out a new Mexican restaurant in our town. The cheese dip was by far the best thing they had. Ry loved it so much she was eating it by the fistfuls. Yes, I know, I'm a bad mom for letting her do this. Get back to me when you're done teaching your 18 month old to eat with a spoon like a champ.
On Thursday, Ry and I were soaking up some Trey time since he has to be away a lot in the coming weeks for work training. Here he is blowing a train whistle we got in Branson on the Polar Express. Ry just loves the whistle, but never can figure out quite how to blow it so that it actually makes noise. I'll count it as a blessing in disguise.
On Friday, Ryanne had her 18 month check up. She was 34 inches tall, and 26 pounds which are in the 94 and 85th percentile, respectively. She spent almost the entire check up taking off her socks and shoes and trying to put them back on. The good thing about this: the doctor was amazed at her coordination and Mom didn't have to spend time trying to entertain her. If you want to read more about her 1 1/2 birthday you can check it out here.
On Saturday, Trey had to go to work, so Ry and I basically hung around the house all day. We did have a baby shower for an old coworker of mine to attend, and then back to the house it was. This sassy girl just loved to hang out in her chair. I'm sure you'll see more of this chair in the future. And so will my washing machine.
Sunday, we drove Trey to meet one of his coworkers, and on the way back I see that this silly girl who is clearly not related to me hilarious, was brushing her teeth with her hands and her toes!! I had to pull over and snap a quick picture.
On Monday, she rediscovered her shopping cart from Christmas and spent much of the day pushing it around with the motivation I wish I had when grocery shopping. Think she's too young for me to send her to buy groceries? You don't . . . me either.
Today, sassy pants was lounging in her chair watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I got ready. I tried to snap a picture of it, but all 4 I got were super blurry. I think this one is actually from Sunday, but they are essentially identical minus the blurriness of today's.
Ahhhh, your daugther is adorable!! Great shots.
Awesome memories :)
She is such a doll! I love the picture of her lounging watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! What a sweet picture!
Aww! So cute!!
She is such a doll! I love the picture of her lounging watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! What a sweet picture!
Ahhhh, your daugther is adorable!! Great shots.
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