Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Strange Addictions

I'm quite odd. Just ask my husband. He'll tell you about how I'm OCD, controlling, and sporadic any day of the week. But that's just ME. On the other hand, I have some strange addictions . . .

1. Rock Salt: You know how when you make ice cream, you pour rock salt on the ice and it stick too it? Well, I LOVE to eat it. By the handfuls. I'm sure most people tried this as a kid (or maybe it was just me) but I eat it. Frequently. I'll actually just mix ice, salt, and water in a bowl to eat the salty ice. Strange, I know!   
2. Bella Band: You know those fat days when none of your jeans will fit even though you own jeans in 6 different sizes?  Oh, I'm the only one that has those. Crap. Well, anyway . . . I wear my maternity bella band on those days. To make my jeans fit. Well not really fit, but to make them big enough to go around my stomach. Don't tell my frenemies from high school, okay?


    aliciamarie911 said...

    This post reminds me of that show on TLC called my strange addictions. I'm not sure, but I think it's harmful to eat rock salt....I only think that because the people that delivered it when I worked at a grocery store always wore gloves and made sure the ice was completely covered....

    The Undomestic Mom said...

    omg I love salt too! All the girls in my family eat salt by the spoon fulls! We smoother our food in it..so bad but so good! Are you going to come to the Dallas meetup??! Yay cant wait! xoxo

    Taylor @ The Undomestic Momma said...

    omg I love salt too! All the girls in my family eat salt by the spoon fulls! We smoother our food in it..so bad but so good! Are you going to come to the Dallas meetup??! Yay cant wait! xoxo


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