Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wee Bit of me Wednesday

{one} ice: crushed or cubed?
crushed. I mean, is there really any other kind worth having?

{two} what is your worst traffic pet peeve?
ignorance. that pretty much sums it all up. As my Dad would say, "I'm surrounded by idiots!!" 

Sidenote here, but speaking of idiots. I just had to share. I saw this on twitter earlier, and couldn't help but be amazed.

Yes, he is breastfeeding that baby. Which is fine. But really??

{three} what room in your house best represents your personality?
my bedroom. Not because it looks like anything I would design, but because I sleep there. And that is a major portion of my personality. I'm nice when I sleep. I'm not nice when I don't.

{four} do you save old birthday cards?
no…I have a box of them from my childhood, but only because my Mom made me keep them. Some days I'm glad I have them. Other days they are just taking up space. I'm not a very sentimental person. I'd much rather remember fun I had with someone than what they wrote in my birthday card when I turned 7.

{five} when was the last time you went on a picnic?
 What's a picnic? No seriously. I don't think I've ever been on one. Unless you count eating on picnic tables on a field trip in third grade.

{six} do you regularly check your horoscope?
no, not really ever. God controls my life. I'll let him decide my future. ; )

{seven} when you’re home, what do you wear on your feet?
socks if it is cold. Nothing if it's warm. I am so cold-natured. I hate wearing socks, but I'll freeze to death if I run around with bare feet during the winter.

{eight} what’s your favorite gambling game?
 Um, Monopoly? I'm not really a gambler. I'll gamble your money all day long, but I'm too much of a tight wad to gamble my own. I would rather spend my $20 on something tangible, than waste it trying to win $100.

{nine} have you ever written (or started writing) a book?
no, I wrote a lot in high school, and I would love to someday, but I don't think it's in my near future. {I have a toddler, remember???}

{ten} what is your favorite musical?
please don't shoot me for saying this, but I'm not really a musical fan. I just don't get it. I guess if I have to choose, I'd pick the Sound of Music because my mom forced  asked me to watch that a lot as a child, and it was kind of interesting.


Barb said...

Visiting from Wee Bit of Me . . . we also have a Bichon (havanese).

AndreaLeigh said...

I don't save birthday cards either. I always think I should, but my need for no clutter wins and I toss them out in the trash.

AndreaLeigh said...

I don't save birthday cards either. I always think I should, but my need for no clutter wins and I toss them out in the trash.

Barb said...

Visiting from Wee Bit of Me . . . we also have a Bichon (havanese).


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