Thursday, March 10, 2011

20 Months

“I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime – until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” ~Isaiah 46:3-4

Each and every day I pray that Ryanne will have a undying love and passion for God. As her vocabulary grows, it is just amazing to watch her learn. I pray that she fulfills God's will for her life, and the she cherishes Him. 

Every night before bed, I kneel with her on my lap and we pray. Last week, I was sick, focused on getting myself to bed, and I let it slip my mind. I laid her in her bed and as I walked out the door, I hear her say, "Momma, pray?" My heart just melted. Of course I swept her back out of her bed and prayed with her. It was so huge to me to see that spark in her, and to see the way that already she is learning about God.

  • You are wearing mostly 2T clothing just because you are so tall. You still wear 18 month shorts and skirts, though. 
  • You still just love to read. "Momma, read" is probably your most used word combination. We read green eggs and ham and the farm animal book so many times a day. 
  • You have learned to say Pooh (your lovie), stop it, pray, 'scuse me, wa-wa (water) and drink (you've always asked for juice up until now no matter what you wanted), hung-gy, slide, cheese, and so many more. Your vocabulary has just soared this month! You still say up-pe (up, please) in the sweetest voice that just melts my heart. 
  • You learned to say Ryanne, and to recognize yourself in pictures, the mirror, etc. and call out your name. 

  • You love to eat pickles, spaghettios, fruit (especially cantaloupe), pasta, and chicken. You are not really a fan of beef (I'm working on that!), carrots, or peanuts. 
  • You just absolutely love to be outside. Even when it's freezing, you want to stay outside for hours on end. I push you when I run in your stroller, and we look for colors together. 
  • We bought you a sticker book for Valentine's Day, and you adore it. Every time you discover it again it's like a new present. And Mom winds up covered in stickers! (But at least you love to share.) 
  • You weigh about 27 pounds, and you are about 35 inches tall. 
  • You are just enchanted by babies, and love to see them, talk to them, or play with them wherever we are. *hint, hint, Dad!* 
  • You can count to 10, but you usually skip 4. I don't know what it is about it but you always miss it. Every time I ask you if you're 1 year old, you say two and keep counting! I don't need you to remind me how fast you're growing up! 

  •  You've learned a few new dance moves (courtesy of Uncle Dustin) and to shake hands. Anytime someone shakes your hand, you have to include everyone around you. 
  • You've learned to say cow, horse, cat, pig, puppy, sheep, and the corresponding sounds. 
  • We went to Daddy's training academy graduation last week, and when he walked in during the (formal) ceremony, you screamed "Daddy, Daddy!" It was so precious to see that! 
  • You also learned to say "I can" which I believe will be one of your new favorite phrases.
Your Dad and I feel so blessed to be your parents, and can't wait to see you learn and grow with each passing day. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

Aww so sweet that she wanted to pray before bed! That is a total heart melting moment! Her eyes are beautiful!


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