Thursday, March 3, 2011

Even if He's Gone

For years, they struggled to get pregnant. Thousands of tears were cried as they dreamt of starting a family, but to no avail. She worried she would never be a mother. He feared he would never have a son to share his passions with.

4 years, 7 months, and 11 days later they finally got the one thing they had longed for: a positive pregnancy test.

They both wept with joy. Finally all the tears shed would give way to their dream of being parents, of creating life.

Sarah called immediately to schedule a prenatal appointment. John called his football buddies. Sarah took her prenatal vitamins. John had a stout beer. Sarah dreamt of nursery colors. John dreamt of jersey colors.

The next weekend, Sarah and John decided to go on a small vacation to a nearby mountain resort. They drove through the winding roads, admiring the rich colors of the falling leaves.

Their car slowly climbed the slope of the mountain as the rain began to beat against their windshield.

"John, can you pull over please? I'm getting sick," begged Sarah.

The car slowly pulled onto an overlook on the side of the windy road.

The rain continued to pour on them as Sarah dizzily stepped out of the car.

Suddenly a roar of an engine came whizzing around the curve.

The oncoming car lost control around the wet curve, and tumbled toward Sarah and John.

"John, watch out!" Sarah pleaded as she watched the truck roll towards them.

With one swift roll, the out of control truck slammed into their car.

The trashing of metal was unbearably loud. The lightning struck and illuminated the site.

Sarah watched as the truck pushed their car down the mountainside with John inside.

The car came to a grinding halt several hundred feet down the mountainside as the tangled wreckage slammed into a boulder.

John's blood trickled down his face as the rain washed it away. Together, the rain drops and his blood flowed away like neither had ever existed.

The rain carried her dreams away with it. Her terror flowed like churning waters of a mighty river.

She had seen distress, but made it through. Days earlier, her tears had been of joy. Of their future together. Today, the tears were for him.

In an instant, she knew she was given a child to help her cling to him. John was still with her, even if he was gone.


Anonymous said...

Heart wrenching! Very creative.

aliciamarie911 said...

Thanks for making me cry today, Leah! I loved this story.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

So sad!!!! I absolutely love the title. Well done!

Jack said...

Heartwrenching is right.

Farah Jasmine said...

This makes me tear up! I have so often heard about this happening and it breaks my heart even if this instance is fiction!

Anonymous said...

This was so tragic. I can't even imagine. Even in fiction, something like that just makes my heart ache.

amygrew said...

Wow! This is so powerful, such a twist. I was thinking she was going to lose the baby. Just wow!

Stacey said...

That's so sad. It makes me want to look into her future and tell her she'll find happiness again. Well written!

Ash said...

Oh so sad! The bodies are really piling up over this prompt, that's for sure ;)

Jack said...

Heartwrenching is right.

Kristy said...

So sad!!!! I absolutely love the title. Well done!

Mel said...

Heart wrenching! Very creative.


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