Friday, March 4, 2011

Show us Your Family . . .

Kelly's Korner is hosting Show us Your Life: Family Edition today, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to introduce my family to those of you who don't know them : )

First up, would be Trey, the love of my life. You can read about how we met here. He has been one of the greatest blessings in my life and I give thanks to God everyday for blessing me with such a great husband, and father to our child(ren).

He saves lives in his free time as a firefighter and EMT. He is working toward his dream of selling farm (commercial land) real estate. He is such a loving, kind hearted guy.

Of course, there is sweet Ryanne Annaliece who was born July 9, 2009. She has grown into such a smart, wonderful little girl and I can't wait to watch her grow (although I could freeze her growth for years!)

The two of them hold my heart, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us as a family. There are days when I want to pull my hair out feel challenged, but who doesn't?

This is Trey's family. His grandparents on the far left, are so sweet. His grandfather reminds me a lot of my Poppa who passed away before Ryanne was born. I pray that she remembers the time she has with him, and cherishes it since she wasn't able to meet Poppa. Trey's parents, Bill and Sindy, have been a great blessing to us. They are both so kind hearted and wonderful. Bill drives me crazy sometimes with his middle of the afternoon and past bedtime phone calls, and the fact that he is never on time to anything, but we love them! Sindy manages a real estate firm in Little Rock, and Bill works on a large cattle ranch.
This is my Granny and Poppa, with me at my graduation. They are like second parents to me. I spent most of my time as a child at their house. They raised Tennessee Walking Horses, and beef-master cattle. I always spent my summers driving the tractor, hauling hay, or helping in some other way around the farm. Poppa was the most hard working, honest, honorable man I've ever known and quite honestly was (and still is) my hero. Granny is a very matter-of-fact, loving woman, and I cherish all of my memories with these two.

On the far left is my brother, Dustin. He is 15 and plays football. He loves to hunt, and has such a sweet heart. He is great with Ryanne. He is so typical boy, but so not typical boy all at the same time. The girl to my left is my youngest sister, Megan. She is a very outgoing, free spirited girl. She is 11, and has more energy than my toddler. Ha! On my right is my mom, Pam. She is quite possibility the most loving person I've ever met (to a fault). She is too loving, if there is such a thing. She works as a materials planner for Kohler (you know the faucets/toilets/etc) and helps manage the plant at the office where she works. On the far right, is the oldest of my sisters, Kelsey. She is 17 and a junior in high school. She is very shy, but so sweet. She plans on being a nurse when she "grows up."

This is my Dad, Ronnie, and I. He doesn't do pictures. Haha! This is from years ago at my homecoming in high school. My Mom and he got divorced while I was still a baby, and I didn't spend tons of time with him as a kid. I am thankful that he is so much more a part of my life now as an adult, and for all the time that he and Ryanne spend together. He has worked as a firefighter for virtually my whole life, and also owns a construction company. He is a very hardworking, and brutally honest guy. He's also hilarious (in a very sarcastic, dry way) but I love it!!

My family has made me who I am today, and for that I am truly blessed.


Beth McC. said...

Love all the pictures!! Your blog is too cute!!

Joelle said...

new follower here.. love this post.. cant wait to read more!


Tamar SB said...

What a sweet family - love the pics! Have a great weekend.


Tamar SB said...

What a sweet family - love the pics! Have a great weekend.



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