Monday, March 7, 2011

Why I'm Okay with It

I'm not pregnant. I want to be pregnant, but I'm not. In an effort to thwart some baby fever, stifled emotions, and tears, I thought I would share some reasons why I'm okay with not being pregnant right now.

  • I'm not best friends with the porcelain throne. We had a six month love/hate hate relationship the first time around, and I'm okay with not facing that right now.
  • I've been reading on twitter about all of my friends and their newborns waking up every 2-3 hours during the night, and I'm happy to report that I sleep a solid 12 hours a night. Or I could sleep 12 hours a night because Ry does, but I don't. Sleep is my friend
  • My nipples are not cracked and bloody. Yes, I just said that. Forgive me. 
  • I can eat raw cookie dough, and not worry about my calcium intake. 
  • I don't have to pee in a cup on a monthly (or more frequent) basis. 
  • Exhaustion. I can sleep for 8 hours and feel rested. Most days. It's not a constant sleep catch up marathon in which I always feel like I'm behind. 
  • Heartburn. Where in the devil did that come from? I've never had heartburn in my life except pregnancy, and I'm perfectly okay with that remaining as a fact for the rest of my life. 
  • Did I mention that I can keep fried foods down? 
  • Leg cramps. I don't get them. No slapping waking Trey in the middle of the night to massage a charlie horse our of my calf 6 times a night.
  • My hair is normal. It's not extra stringy or knotted or breaking off. It's just normal. 
  • I'm not swollen. I can't fit in my pants, but it's not because I have swollen up like a blimp. It's because I can't say no to chocolate. Or popcorn. And I can say no to running. 
And, that, my friends is why I'm okay with not being pregnant right now. Don't take that the wrong way, I totally want a baby and would be ecstatic if we found out we were pregnant tomorrow, but for today I'm thankful that these things are not a fact of life. I'm making the best of the situation. 


aliciamarie911 said...

I'm glad that you're able to be okay with not being pregnant. :) I mean, you're already blessed. You have Ryanne. You'll be a mommy again someday, and until then, enjoy eating cookie dough! :D

Whitney said...

HAHAHA - I can so relate to this post right now in some ways. While I want to be pregnant - some of these are reasons I'm okay with not being there right now.

Kris10 said...

I can also relate to this post. While everyone else is pregnant, planning on #2....I will enjoy my baby girl (who is turning into a big girl quickly.) Our time will come when it is right for us.

sweetk said...

I can also relate to this post. While everyone else is pregnant, planning on #2....I will enjoy my baby girl (who is turning into a big girl quickly.) Our time will come when it is right for us.


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