Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

He isn't here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying. ~ Matthew 28:6 

There is nothing more amazing than knowing that you have eternal life because Jesus sacrificed for us. Easter is such a wonderful time, and I just love celebrating the fact that I will always be alive in Christ. What a blessing that is! 

We gave Ryanne her Easter basket on Saturday because Trey had to work today. She just loved it! I think the bubbles and chalk were her favorites. She loved the suckers, too but what kid doesn't? 

This morning, we went to church with my Grandma. The cemetery adjacent to her Church is where my grandfather is buried, and the Church and cemetery host memorial services the 4th Sunday of April every year, which just happened to be Easter this year (this has only happened once in the last 100 years!). It was so great to be in the Church I grew up in again, and to see all of those old faces. Some days it just feels surreal that I'm an adult, and have my own sweet baby girl. 

After Church, we went to my Mom's to die eggs and they "hid" eggs for Ryanne to hide. Mom got Ryanne a basket too with bubbles, and she had the best time blowing them. 
Megan, my youngest sister, loves entertaining Ry. She calls her "Mee-gan" and I find it quite hilarious ; ) 

It is so fun to watch her run around the yard hunting for eggs. It is so much more fun to be a mom and watch her do these things than it ever was as a child!! 

We then went inside and dyed eggs. I wasn't brave enough to attempt this alone, but it went great. Ryanne absolutely loved it. She was so amused with the eggs changing color, and she would pick them up and drop them again just to watch the splash. haha!

 She thought it was amusing to put the egg stickers all over herself, and us too!

The oldest of my sisters, Kelsey, made lunch for us. It was so good. Who knew she was such a good cook?? 

I just love this cute pictures of Ryanne. There aren't many times in her life I can get away with taking a picture of her booty ; ) haha! Like her diaper cover? It came from my friend Ashley at SheSheMade. She's in the process of moving right now, so her shop is closed down for a little while but go check her out in June, because her stuff is awesome! 

I hope that each and everyone of you had a fabulous Easter. I know bunnies and eggs is certainly not the meaning behind Easter, and I love trying to teach Ryanne the true meaning but until she can understand it better, the fluff stuff sure is fun! : ) 


Perfectly Imperfect said...

What a fun day! Glad y'all had a good Easter!!

Ryanne and BG rocked the same dress :) Wasn't it so cute?!?

designHER Momma said...

Ah! I adore her dress. Love Love love it. So classic and timeless.


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