Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What I'm Loving . . .

I'm loving . . . that our power didn't go out during the thunderstorms last night. The last time the wind blew hard, it was out for two days and I'm thankful it didn't go out this time.

I'm loving. . . the TOMS white glitter shoes. I know they're white, but I think I can swing it ; )
I'm loving . . . that it is less than two weeks until the Dallas Blogger Meetup. I'm so excited for the trip with Whitney and Niki. And to meet everyone else there!! 

I'm loving . . . this gorgeous orange dress, even though I found it on a website called couture in the city so I'm sure it will never be in my closet. 

I'm loving . . . that it is just a few days until Easter. I can't wait to share Ryanne's Easter basket goodies. Yes, I know that's not the reason for Easter, and she will learn the reason but it's still fun! : ) 

I'm loving . . .  this nursery that I found here. I mean isn't it adorable? I'm dreaming. . . 

I'm loving . . . the support and prayers from all my friends, virtual and otherwise, while we wait to see what God's plan is for Trey's Pop. We are praying with each day for his recovery! Ryanne misses being able to see her Pop Pop. If you haven't already heard, and have a moment please say a prayer for him. 

I'm loving . . . my sweet family. Sometimes things happen that just make me want to hug them extra tight and never let them go. We are never promised tomorrow, and it is so important to cherish each day with them.


Niki said...

WOOHOO!!! DBM!!! Also... funny story, I have that nursery saved in my future kids file. lol. Love it's simplicity. That tree is to die for. I'm about 99% sure there will be a tree painted on the wall in our nursery... just about every idea I have has a tree in it! ha!

I'm afraid of white toms. But I love them!

Joeylee said...

i love the nursery, so pretty

Katie said...

Those toms are so pretty! I've been eyeing the red ones or maybe even the sparkly silver ones (or gold if we still lived in Baton Rouge to go to LSU games) but I hadn't seen the white ones before - very cute! They'd scare me though I'm already annoyed by how dirty Abby's new pink tennis shoes look!

Kit said...

Love those toms!!!

Love this post!
Great things you are loving today!

Sarah said...

I'm excited to meet you girls next week on your way to Dallas!!! :)

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

Love that nursery! Sounds like a lot of fun coming your way!

Neely said...

I really want those Toms!


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