Thursday, June 23, 2011

Difficult Days

For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,” says the Lord. ~ Jeremiah 30:17

On Father's Day, Trey's Dad Bill was rushed to the emergency room complaining of heart pains. After an arteriograph was performed, his main artery was over 80% blocked, and 4 more of his arteries also had blockage. They performed a quintuple bypass on Tuesday.

During the surgery, the doctor had a difficult time re-inflating his lungs. Following his bypass surgery, they discovered a hole in his lung. He has been on the ventilator at 100% oxygen since then. They have given him steroids, with no real benefit being seen from them. Today the pulmonologist did a further evaluation on him and discovered that he had a previously undiagnosed lung disease that was causing problems with his recovery.

Essentially, he has a very long road to recovery ahead of him. I'm asking that you please keep him, his wife Sindy, and our entire family in your prayers. Trey is having a difficult time dealing with his Dad's sickness as well. In the end, we know that God is in control.  

 As a little girl, I cherished my time with my grandpa more than anything, and I pray that Ryanne has that opportunity with Bill. I can't imagine who I would be today if it wasn't for my grandpa, and it crushes my soul to think that she may not have that chance. Please pray for Bill!

For with God nothing will be impossible.” ~ Luke 1:37


beckylbranch said...

Praying for you and Trey sweet're on my heart tonight! <3 Becky

KM said...

I am SO sorry to hear about this. I am praying for your family. I know how hard this is for y'all. I just went through a year of my FIL suffering from a virus. It's not fun. It is tough. Prayer is the number one thing! Keep on praying and just know we are here for you and your family! {Great pics!}


Jillian said...


An Imperfect Momma said...

So sorry to hear that about your family. I pray God works a mighty miracle!

Found your site by accident - was searching for stuff under my profile name. God bless ya!


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