My friend Sam laughingly tells me all the time that Trey and I need another baby so Ryanne will learn to be less bossy. I hate to break it to her, but as Trey already knows, I fear she is a clone of her Momma that just happens to look like her Dad. Which means, in case you haven't already caught on, that she will probably always be bossy.
In the last few months we've been to the same hospital (where she was born) probably 100 times between Trey's grandfather and dad being in the hospital there. She now shouts "Pop-Pop" or "Grampy" everytime we pull into the parking lot. She has the memory of an elephant, I swear.
I started teaching Ry her ABCs a couple weeks back and she always sang "ABC . . . LMO . . . X and Z!" She has finally migrated to the entire alphabet, in speed version lately. She loves to
It is so amazing to see her grow with each passing day, and makes me long for a new baby even more. Not to replace her, as a couple people have suggested, but just to experience the baby things again. It is so much fun to have a toddler and watch her learn, but a baby is a whole other kind of fun. I want her to be a big sister, and to learn to teach her sibling(s) {Yes, siblings}
Oh, and since I'm sporadically rambling here. She has rediscovered some baby rattles and runs around the house singing "shake your boo-ty" over. and over. Don't know where she learned that, but I'm not sure if I should laugh or be mad.
Anyway, back to party prep mode. I've got several balloon banners to make, a happy birthday banner, and oh . . . I better not make a list . . . I might change my mind about having this party! ha!
*Side note: My friend, Jenna, is doing a commenting challenge over at her blog so go check it out and join in the fun! Don't worry if you're a couple days late you can still join the fun with us! For those of you reading from Jenna's you can learn more about me here*
How I wish we "blogged" back when my girls were babies! So much is forgotten!! It is so much fun to read your blog because it sparks some of the memories! BTW, I am part of Jenna's blog challenge. :)
stopping by from jenna's....
your little girl is SO cute! my libbi just turned two a couple of weeks ago - it is definitely a fun age! i read your story about ryanne streaking and i just had to laugh. at least you were at home. libbi stripped down in walmart the other day. i swear it's scary how fast she can take her clothes off! :)
well, stopping by from Jenna's, but I follow you on twitter, so I'm not THAT new :)
stopped over from Jenna's...
I love your little girl... she's too cute! :)
Stopping by from Jenna's Journey! You have a beautiful little girl. Have a great week!
What a cutie! I have a friend w/ a 16yr old named Ryanne! Is it pronounced "Ryan"? I'm visiting from Jenna's. Love you're title & tagline. Aren't we all Perfectly Imperfect Mommas? :-)
Stopping by from Jenna's, what an adorable little girl! Hope you have a great week.
Stopping by from Jenna's. I live in Texas (it is great), took almost 20 years to finish my degree (only changed majors once from ag business to education)and I like Taylor Swift (hope you can still like me!). Stop by my blog when you have a chance. Can't wait to browse your blog some more.
Just saying hey! And Ryanne is a cutie pie;)
Love your blog! Stopping over from Jenna's Journey. :)
Love your blog. Looking forward to following your life. Your little girl is precious!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little girl is so cute! Two is a fun age. Enjoy it because it goes by fast!
Stopping by from Jenna's! I read your "about me" post and we have so much in common! The "mixed drinks only with no taste of alcohol," the no cigarette thing, the veggies, the working in a bank, the dry sense of humor...there were several! Ha! Also, my middle child was born on July 8, so we have girls with similar birthdays. It has been fun to stumble across your blog!
Stopping from Jenna's Journey! Your daughter is truly amazing . I love her chatting.
She is too cute! Being bossy isn't necessarily a bad thing...ha!
Stopping by from Jenna's! Your little girl is too cute :)
Stopping by from Jenna's Journey! Love your blog!
Dropping by from Jenna's...your daughter is absolutely precious! I'm glad I found your blog I love a sarcastic momma! I'm your newest follower :)
Hi Leah! I'm stopping by from Jenna's blog. What a cute idea to write down things that you want to remember as your daughter is growing up. I'll have to do that or I'll never remember everything when I have kids. :-)
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