Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Pinterest is my love addiction. It is a giant time suck, but I just love looking at outfits, nursery ideas, and ideas for our future home. I could spend weeks on there non stop, I believe. Wouldn't that be stellar parenting? Don't call CPS!

Anyway . . . on with the pins. These are some of my favorites of all time. Since this is my first week joining in on this link up fun, I'm allowed to share my all time favorites, right? Good. You know I'm all about following the rules. *UPDATED* You can follow my Pinterest here.

I LOVE this outfit. Wedges are my very favorite heels. Mainly because I'm addicted to heels, but they are they only heels I can maintain my balance on while carrying my less than cooperative toddler. 

Isn't this stunning? Hey Babe . . . you know husband I'm talking to you . . . doesn't your wonderful wife deserve an amazing bathroom like this? Oh, I suppose you can use it too. 

I am in love with this as well. For as long as I can remember, I've always dreamt of having a table like this in my kitchen. It just seems so cozy to crawl in and eat breakfast next to your loves!

And this is my promise and life motto to my kids. Swear. 
This nursery for the Ryanne's future brothers (Lord willing) is just adorable. Sign me up! 
I love this monogram. It's just brilliant. Why don't I ever think of anything brilliant? 

These frames are just breath taking. I need to teach my Dad to make them. Or maybe I'll just bite the bullet and buy one. Or ten. Remember this post from yesterday? Totally using those here. 

If only the people of pinterest were willing to bargain the goods in the pictures for my superior skills . . . if only I had superior skills to bargain with. Ha! 

Hope that everyone has a fabulous Wednesday!


Kris10 said...

I just started "pinning" this week. Am I suppose to leave comment if I pin something? I'm not sure of proper etiquette. I don't want to be breaking the rules :)

Joeylee said...

love that bathroom and nursery

Katie said...

That bathroom is beautiful! If you don't mind can you link to your pinterest account so I can follow you there? If you'd prefer not I understand as well!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Cute pins! My friend made a monogramed frame and it's adorable. I totally want to do the same thing.

Courtney said...

I love that first outfit!! It is so cute!

Anonymous said...

great pins! you should check out my Bobbie Brown make up compact I'm giving away on my blog :) xo


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