Part of the fun of blogging is meeting new friends, and reading new blogs. Over time you start to make really good friends, and the community you can build in the blogosphere is amazing.
Kelly is sharing some of her favorite blogs today, so I thought I would share with you guys some of my favorites. This is by no means a complete list, just a few I wanted to share in case you didn't know about them already and I'm going to work on a blog roll this weekend because it seriously needs to be updated. (click the pictures to take you to the blogs)
Every blog needs a good blog design, right? This is my favorite blog designer, and she just happens to be one of my sweet friends on twitter as well. Jenn someone manages to juggle four adorable kiddos and her lovely design business. She has a great marriage Bible study cranking up on her
personal blog in the coming days so go check it out.
Jenna is one of the sweetest bloggers I've ever "met" and I just love to read about her two sweet little boys. She has some pretty amazing recipes she shares frequently, too. Didn't you know the way to my heart is through my stomach? ; )
Jessica is one of my favorite bloggers. She is so crafty and sweet, and has great recipes, and even better style. She was one of the very first blogs I started reading on a regular basis and still love to read today.
Melissa of Superchikk is another one of my favorites. She is so genuine, but has such a fun and wonderful writing style.
AP is one of my favorite reads because she is the perfect mix of blunt and sarcastic. It is always refreshing to read her take on things.
Y'all? I could go on forever and ever about blogs I love, but I know you don't want to know every blog I read. These are just a few of my very favorite
reads. Many of the blogs I read are for specific reasons, like we've become great friends on twitter (Ahem,
Whitney and
Niki) and others are there because they have cute ideas, or great pictures, or phenomenal recipes or I just like reading about there life, etc. This handful is just scratching the surface, but I wanted to share them because they are some of the best writers in my blog roll and always keep me coming back : )