Saturday, October 15, 2011

Punchkin Patch

Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch, or as Ry likes to call it the "punchkin" patch. Ha! Gotta love the way little ones pronounce things.

When we got there, I yanked out the camera to go on a picture taking spree, only to get a goofy message from my camera about the shutter being locked out? Apparently, the battery was dead or close to it. It works fine now that I'm home and not trying to take tons of pictures. Oh well!

I snagged a couple good ones on my phone. The ones in the orange shirt are form last year. It's insane how much a year changes babies :)

It still amazes me how much she has grown since last year. She couldn't really talk last year, and really wasn't interested in anything but the animals. This year, however, she loved every bit of it.

I thing she swung on the tire swing for probably an hour. We need to get one at our house. Except then it wouldn't be near as interesting. Because we all know that's how things work in toddler land.

And the silly girl LOVES the color orange, everything orange. If you ask her what color she wants of anything the answer is always orange, but of course when we get to the pumpkin patch full of orange pumpkins, she wants a white one!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what ya mean, its crazyness how fast they grow!


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