Friday, March 30, 2012

It is a zoo!

It is a total zoo at our house lately trying to get everything done. In the last few weeks, we've started a business and I've started a new job (on top of being nine months pregnant) so to say we are overwhelmed is an understatement but we're confident that these are the right moves for our family right now.

We decided to take Ryanne to the zoo on Friday to get out of the house, take a well deserved break, and just spend a little time being a family of three before these precious days are over.

Ryanne loved the giraffes! 

She was so worried that each animal didn't have a family. So sweet! 

This is her typical "cheese" face lately

Friday, March 23, 2012

Are your bags packed?

Mine probably should be . . . but I haven't quite brought myself to do it yet. I do have a lovely list of things to pack, however. I thought I would share it and see if I'm forgetting anything.

It's been almost three years since I did this! There are some moments of the hospital stay with Ry that I remember like yesterday, but others not so much.

So far this is my list for round two . . . adapted slightly from round one ; )

  • Going home clothes (definitely still maternity clothes) - I brought non-maternity clothes with Ry because I really had not clue what I was in for. Trey had to go home & get me clothes. 
  • Snacks - We all know how important eating is! And to say the hospital food is not the greatest is a grand under statement. Not to mention how exhausted and hungry you are after labor (or I am) 
  • Laptop (and charger) - I need something to occupy my time!! 
  • Camera (and charger) - Everyone wants adorable baby pictures, right? I brought a video camera with Ry, but will be veto-ing that idea this time. I don't need video of that
  • Pillow(s) - I'll probably bring a couple this time around. The L&D was slammed the night I was admitted to have Ry and somehow "couldn't find me a pillow" Labor is uncomfortable enough without having to lay your head on a rolled up brick of a blanket. 
  • Make-up - Of course. I'd prefer a personal make-up artist come put it on for me so I look less like a bloated exhausted whale in newborn pictures, but I guess I'll take what I can get ; ) 
  • Cute pajamas - Hello, Victoria's Secret cotton pjs! They are high coverage, but easily accesible for nursing and when every one and their mom wants to prod at and examine your body post delivery. 
  • Robe and socks - Got to keep those feet warm . . .and of course you need a robe to cover up your rear until you can get out of that horrid gown. I would say to bring underwear, but I might just be looking forward to the lovely mesh panties the hospital gives you post-delivery. They really are amazing. It's rather pathetic how excited about them I am. 
  • Nursing bras and/or tanks - for obvious reasons . . . ease of access, let's say.
  • Flip flops or house shoes - I'll probably take both because who knows with Arkansas weather if it will be 90 or 40 when I deliver in April. Both are easy and on and off for swollen, tired feet and keep your feet off the germ-y hospital floor
  • Ponytail holders and/or headband - to tame the crazy hair
  • Boppy - this was really a lifesaver for supporting Ry when I was feeding her. I was just so tired and it helped majorly when I was holding her. 
  • Phone charger - It would be a tragedy if my phone died. How would I play on twitter? 
  • Hygiene stuff - shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, and the like. I'll be honest and say that I probably won't wash my hair while in the hospital. I hate blow drying it at home & the last thing I want to do hours after giving birth is get hot & sweaty again, but of course you'll want a shower and clean teeth :) 
  • Important documents - Don't forget a pen and notebook to write down important information as well as any health insurance or personal identification info that the hospital may require. You may also want to bring a folder to store all of the important new documents in. (Our hospital provides one, but some may not) 
  • A masseuse - Oh, maybe that was just in my imagination. It would be lovely if the hospital had one on staff, though. 
Moms, feel free to add to the list! My afternoon agenda includes packing Drake's bag so I'll probably be back to share my baby checklist. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Making a List, Checking it Twice

So the days are quickly approaching that we will have a second baby. {Um, what?} I've been slowly gathering a list of things I "need" and checking them off so that we are ready once Drake decides to join us. Here are some of the things I have on my must buy list. If there is anything else you think is essential, please share!
The Fisher Price rock n'play snugabunny sleeper is definitely on my must list. I feel like it will be the perfect combination to keep Drake off the floor and away from toddler fingers, but great for him to sleep and I can easily transport outside or to a different room in the house depending on where Ry and I are. 
After rave twitter reviews, I decided to go with this Ameda purely yours ultra pump vs a medela pump. Numerous people have told me that lactation consultants prefer it over medela & highly recommend it so I'm excited and hope it works out well for us. I bought a very cheap inefficient one with Ry and I'm convinced it led to the short amount of time I continued to pump after I went back to work. I hope this investment helps this time around. 
This time around, I chose to go with this Safety 1st diaper pail. We used a diaper genie with Ryanne, but really wasn't pleased with it. Between constantly buying refills for it and it's inefficiency at smell management, I hope this one works out better. It takes regular trash and/or grocery bags & has a deodorizer right in the lid so I have high hopes for it. 
I've stocked up on the faithful colic calm once again. It worked miracles for Ryanne so I of course had to buy some to prep my medicine cabinet again. 
I've decided to try the avent pacifiers and the adorable wubbanub this time around. I was a faithful mam user with Ry but I'll be honest, I really want to carry around one of these cute creatures! 
Twitter tells me this miracle blanket is well, a miracle, so I have to try it out. 
In an effort to be more "green" I've decided to try out these tommee tippee bottles, too. I used playtex drop in bottles with Ryanne (and probably will still use them some) but there were times that not having a solid bottle was annoying, especially when traveling so I decided to give these a try too. 

Of course we have the old faithful necessities, such as a car seat, diapers, pacifiers, diaper cream, wipes, etc but please feel free to share anything you found to be a necessity. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Shower Time

Last Sunday, we had a shower at Church for sweet Drake. We started attending there after Ryanne was born so they asked to throw a shower for Drake. I got lots of sweet goodies for him.

His cake. Ry was excited I got to bring it home. She loved the blue icing & might've looked like a smurf after she finished destructing eating the rest of the cake. 

Opening presents. . . . Drake got lots of goodies! 

This quilt was Trey's grandfather's when he was a baby so it is just under 80 years old. His grandma brought it to the shower to give Drake. 

I was bad and didn't think to take a picture of all the gifts before I put them away and I {gasp} put them away that afternoon. I may have to drag them back out to get a picture. Or maybe not. 

Anyway . . . . I took my first exam of my new rotation today and am so glad that is over with. Now I have a lovely week break to get my house all nested and prepped before hitting school again hardcore before Drake is born. Wish me luck! 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finishing touches

I'm working on the final touches of Drake's nursery and these are just a few of the things that I'm loving for his nursery.

Isn't this organizer so cute? From etsy

I love this sweet sign for his room! 

Another adorable sign. I can't make up my mind which one I want! 

I'm loving this changing pad cover too. 

I love this delivery/hospital gown too. I can't decide if I want one. It's almost too pretty for what I know will go down. haha!

There are about 762 pillows I have my eye on for his room, but I think this one and another one are going to win the battle. 

Our carseat is boring black so I've got my eye on this and a couple other accessories to dress up his carseat. 


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Drake at 34 weeks

We had our last "pants on" appointment yesterday, and Drake is growing well. My uterus is measuring at 35 cm, so just a little ahead of the game. His heart beat is strong and relaxed compared to Ryanne (hers was always 160s+) at 135-145. 

I finally got an official count on my weight, and I'm 14.5 pounds total gain (4.5 of which came from the last few weeks. Woof!) Dr. D. and I were talking about this and she said she'd be worried except he is ahead of the game growth wise, so obviously there is not a growth problem. 

I've been having a ton of muscle fatigue lately, which is annoying at best. My lower stomach muscles basically have zero strength left in them. It is difficult if not impossible for me to roll over in bed. Trey had to basically pull me out of bed this morning which was not fun. I'm not good at being dependent. This is all new to me . . . I was never inhibited from activity when I was pregnant with Ryanne. 

I started my newest rotation yesterday, and got a big surprise as to how my clinical hours would work out. I had originally planned on doing double clinicals for the first 3 weeks and being ahead. However, they cancelled the second day of clinicals for the week which put a kink in those plans. The week Drake is due I have a little over 36 hours of clinicals that are scheduled. This shall be interesting, but I'm determined to make it work! 

I'm excited for my next appointment to see if there has been any "action" going on with all the contractions I've had. Is it May yet? ; ) 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Photo a Day

I've been playing along with this March photo a day a challenge (most days) so I thought I would share some of the pictures!
Day 1: Someone was up against her will. 

Day 2: Feeding my current fruit obsession {one of many fruit I ate that day} 

Day 3: My favorite thing about my neighborhood right now? That I don't have to look at it from the back yard thanks to my hubby's handy work: our new fence! 

Day 4: I think one of these may soon be at my bedside. Does anyone have one? Let me know what you think if so!

Day 5: A sweet smile that I love {hers, not mine. ha!}

Day 6: What Trey was up to at 5pm 

Day 7: Something I wore . . . my wardrobe is rather limited these days
Day 8: Looking out our back window 

Day 9: Some red I can't wait to see our little man in very soon!

Day 10: These two are loud but were being sweet and quiet for an instant (however brief) 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pinspired: Thanks a Latte

I have about 6,372 things pinned on Pinterest that I intend to do. You know, with all my free time.

Friday was teacher appreciation day at Ryanne's school so it was the perfect opportunity to make the cute "Thanks a Latte" card everyone with Pinterest has seen floating around.

what I used:
  • 5x7 thanks a latte print found here (I printed mine at my house because I was too lazy to go pick up a print) 
  • a coffee sleeve (I used the backside of one from starbucks)
  • cardstock - I used green and pink to make it bright and cheery! (and to avoid said trip to the store mentioned above) 
  • ribbon (The original one used twine, but remember said trip to the store??) 
  • stapler and double sided tape 
  • gift card for starbucks 
I hope that Ry's teacher loves it, but then again what toddler teacher doesn't love caffeine? 

You can find the original idea and directions here

Pinspired Thursday

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

33 Weeks

Drake is still growing away. He is certainly getting into my rib space a lot more lately. I have moments where it is very difficult to breathe, almost like he kicked my lung and I have to catch my breath. 

I only gained 1 lb at my last appointment, and I think that is 12 total so far. One day {maybe?} I'll remember to ask so I can get an official record for later babies. (Did I just say that?) 

These jeans are a pair of pre-maternity "fat" jeans and I actually wore them all day comfortably and buttoned. Which I found impressive. Or maybe that just says a lot about me on my "fat days" But we won't talk about that . . . 

I'm addicted to Icees lately. Poor Ryanne has probably had more than one too many lately because I always want one. We stopped at Sonic the other day & got a slush instead of our typical coke icee from the gas station and she was in shock because she didn't have a "rainbow cup" Silly girl! 

The other day we were all laying on the trampoline & Ry was admiring my belly button (or lack thereof). She points to it and says "Daddy, look what you did!" haha! If only she knew ; ) 

I go back to the doctor next Monday and will have my group B strep test done and then start the fun visits, just in case you thought there was any personal space left. 

We've been working hard on his nursery lately. His bedding finally came in, and I got his dresser and crib painted. I set up a shelf and I'm working on some artwork for his room right now. I have to find some knobs I like for his dresser & some small decor stuff and then hopefully I can share pictures of his nursery! Trey was working on a special part of his room the other day . . . 

Y'all can use your imagination if you don't already know what it is. I'll share the details later :) 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Ryanne is so into singing lately & I just love watching her sing. Cue cheesy toddler-promoting videos.


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