Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Drake at 34 weeks

We had our last "pants on" appointment yesterday, and Drake is growing well. My uterus is measuring at 35 cm, so just a little ahead of the game. His heart beat is strong and relaxed compared to Ryanne (hers was always 160s+) at 135-145. 

I finally got an official count on my weight, and I'm 14.5 pounds total gain (4.5 of which came from the last few weeks. Woof!) Dr. D. and I were talking about this and she said she'd be worried except he is ahead of the game growth wise, so obviously there is not a growth problem. 

I've been having a ton of muscle fatigue lately, which is annoying at best. My lower stomach muscles basically have zero strength left in them. It is difficult if not impossible for me to roll over in bed. Trey had to basically pull me out of bed this morning which was not fun. I'm not good at being dependent. This is all new to me . . . I was never inhibited from activity when I was pregnant with Ryanne. 

I started my newest rotation yesterday, and got a big surprise as to how my clinical hours would work out. I had originally planned on doing double clinicals for the first 3 weeks and being ahead. However, they cancelled the second day of clinicals for the week which put a kink in those plans. The week Drake is due I have a little over 36 hours of clinicals that are scheduled. This shall be interesting, but I'm determined to make it work! 

I'm excited for my next appointment to see if there has been any "action" going on with all the contractions I've had. Is it May yet? ; ) 


Mateya said...

14 lbs...you lucky duck!

You look great!

Sorry to hear about the muscle fatige...not much longer!

Lindsey said...

You look fabulous mama!!!! Praying all works out great with clinicals and that Drake makes his debut exactly when you need him to!! Xoxox


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