Monday, May 21, 2012

One Month Old

Drake, I can't believe you are already one month old! You have been such a light in our lives, and it's hard to remember life before you were part of it. Your sister loves you so much and it's so fun to watch the two of you interact. You just stare at her in awe. So far, she's loved {almost} every minute of having you in our family.

One day, we were swinging outside and I told Ryanne we had to go in because you were sweating and getting too hot. Her response? "But Mom. We don't need baby Drake anymore. He needs to go back to the doctor." 

You are wearing all 3 month or 6 month clothes. We didn't get much use of anything newborn. You are in size 1 diapers (and have been since we left the hospital!)

I'm guessing that you weigh around 11 to 12 pounds. You were 10 pounds and 9 ounces at 10 days old.

You are such a laid back, low-key baby. It's a refreshing change of dynamics ;) Happy one month sweet boy!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

He is so stinkin CUTE!!!!! :)


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