Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm Alive!

 . . . . just in case you were wondering. haha!

I have one more final tomorrow night, but essentially I'm done with the semester. I finished my 27 hours with a 3.4 for the semester (provided my grade remains the same tomorrow) with a toddler. I think I deserve a daiquiri for that!

The last week and a half has just been absolutely crazy in my world. I went to eat dinner with a friend of mine one day, and she dropped me back off at the house. She came inside, and I'm sure she thought I was completely crazy after seeing the state of mass chaos in my house. I've been slowly cleaning it yesterday and today, making up for the lost time finals caused. I'll finally be able to breathe a big sigh of relief after tomorrow's last test.

Oh, and the best part is I can see my floors again. Haha!

Normal (or my version of normal) blogging shall resume soon. I have to share Ryanne's 22 month post, and I have a couple other tricks up my sleeve. Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!


Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

I know you are kicking some serious butt on your finals!!! Praying for you sweet friend!

Galit Breen said...

Hang in there, lady! And yes! Daiquiris all around! XO


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