Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life lately . . .

I finished up the semester and have enjoyed being simply a stay at home mom for the past week and a half. It is so nice not to have to stress about school, deadlines, and planning. I've been enjoying a lovely break from the computer and have tried to limit my social media time and spend more time with Trey and Ryanne. It's so lovely!

 We've been relaxing and playing together. Ryanne is now obsessed with horses and the movie Spirit. We've watched it over 100 times in the last few weeks, I bet!

 I just love this face!!! She makes my day. However, we've been pacifer weaning and she has a major attitude lately. However, we've now gone 4 days without paci!!!
 Ryanne and Trey go out to his parents and pet the horses and her rabbit often. They had new puppies, so she loves to play with the puppy dogs too.

 We stopped at this cupcake boutique that has the best cupcakes and Ryanne loved her "cake-cake"
And we've spent lots of time at the playground swinging and playing on the slides. It's so nice to take a break.

Taking away her pacifier has been super stressful, but the time with no worries has been wonderful. I'm so thankful for my family, even when there are days I want to poke my eyes out. HAHA!


Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

Yeah for being finished and getting to spend more time with the family! Your girl is precious!

aliciamarie911 said...

Oh wow. She's getting so big! She looks like she has grown a foot since the last pictures I saw!

trooppetrie said...

I have never stopped at a cupcake store, i always say I am going to and never do. okay this is my list for this month.


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