Monday, July 25, 2011

Giveaway & Great Deal

How is everyone's Monday going? I aced a test this morning so mine is kind of rocking at the moment! I have some great pictures from Trey's grandparents' anniversary party this weekend to share, but in the meantime I wanted to let you in on some awesome things going on in cyber world.

One of my good friends on twitter, Jenn, is giving away 2 blog designs, a twitter background, and 2 $25 gift cards to her design shop, Munchkinland Designs, in celebration of her design company's 2 year anniversary. Make sure to go check out her gallery and enter to win the awesome giveaway!

Also, Erin at Blue Eyed Bride, blogged about her awesome home organization notebook and introduced me to the amazing Erin Condren planners and stationary. Today on Plum District, they have her awesome planners (or anything else you want) on sale for $25 for $50 value. Also, you can use the code "inwithnew" and get it for only $20. Does it get any better than that? Well, if you need extra convincing look at these photos:

Hope you all had a great weekend. Now I'm back to editing pictures to share later.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. ~ 1 Peter 4:8 

Marriage is not always easy, and can certainly be a challenge. Disagreements will happen.

Like when your spouse squeezes the toothpaste from the middle . . .

Or puts the dishes in the sink instead of the dishwasher . . .

Or leaves his socks by the foot of the bed to ward off monsters and intruders (I'm convinced that's the only reason those rank things aren't in the garbage) . . .

Or hangs your shirts in the wrong color sequence . . .

Oh, that's just me? Good, I'd hate to think other couples argue over such silly things. ; )

Marriage was a difficult adaptation for me because I've never really depended on someone going through life. I was always stuck on being independent after many people had let me down through the years. One of our biggest struggles in the early days of our relationship was Trey's insistence that I didn't trust him to help me and support me.

He was right.

In marriage (and life), change is a good thing.

Marriage is like getting a pair of socks broken in. At first, they are so tight that they give don't give you any room to breathe. But with time, their grip loosens to a comfortable snugness. You know they're going to keep you warm, protect you, and cushion you at all the right times.

Okay, dumb analogy, I know. But really, I believe that for marriage to be successful you both have to be willing to adapt as you both age, and to compromise as you both change.

Have you ever watched water after the rain? It starts as many small streams and eventually merges into one raging river that carves it own path, able to overcome anything blocking its way.

A strong marriage should be like that raging river.

The two of you should be on the same path, but willing to change that path together through compromise and adaptation.

The two of you, through communication, can sweep obstacles out of your way.

You can overcome boundaries and hurdles together with the power of a strong marriage.

I've heard all the cliche' advice: Never go to bed angry, Have patience, Keep him satisfied, Keep your own hobbies/friends, Happiness is about perspective, etc . . .

In my marriage, communication is key. I have also had to learn that my way is not the right way.

When we got married, and even when Ryanne was born, I critiqued Trey's ways of doing things rather than being glad that he was doing them.

I had to learn that in this small sense, and also in the bigger sense, that your ways are not always the right ways and often there are no wrong ways.

If the two of you can come together, and someone get everything done through communication and compromise, it doesn't matter how you got there.

The way the towels were folded, the diapers arranged, or the water boiled is not the issue, but rather that the two of you are working together to build a home which is the most beautiful thing of all.

Above all else, keep God at the center of your marriage, your life, and your friendship with your spouse and your marriage will be wonderful.

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned. ~ Song of Solomon 8: 6-7

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.   ~ Colossians 3: 13-14

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our Love Story: Part 1

"Delivery for Leah" the lady chimed as she brought a gorgeous bouquet of orange roses into the lobby of the bank.

Who in the world are these from? I thought to myself as I set them questionable down beside my computer and went back to cashing checks.

As soon as I could catch a breath from the Friday madness, I snuck into the bathroom with the card to read it to myself.

"Please go out with me? - Trey" it read. Ha! I laughed and blushed all at the same time.

Trey and I had shared many of the same teachers since he moved to town in the third grade, and I never really noticed his existence until junior high. He was a nice guy, but dating him or anyone for that matter was the last thing on my mind.

I dismissed the flowers only after giving him a courteous thanks, and went on about my life. The next week there were more flowers. He brought me sonic sweet tea. (Genius, right?) He brought me chocolates. He even brought the ladies I work with small gifts in an effort to coerce them to his side as I continued to deny his date requests.

Finally, one of the girls I worked with talked me into agreeing to go on a date with him. One date. I made him promise he'd leave me alone after that. Boy, did I not know what was coming.

You can read about our first date here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Patience is hard

The other night, I sat in the rocking in chair in Ryanne's room swaying gently as we sang Jesus loves me. The moonlight poured softly through the window onto her tiny, but not so tiny toes.

Her once short hair laid on my shoulder as she breathed softly onto my chest.

These are the precious moments. The ones we will never get back, and the most important ones to cherish.

As she drifted to sleep, I ran my fingers through her toddler fingers and gazed at her toddler toes, remembering the baby she used to be.

Her petite body once could rest on my chest in a ball no bigger than a cantaloupe. Now I stare at her dangling arms hanging not only of my body, but out of the chair too.

Her tiny torso is now bigger than she ever was two short years ago, and her arms and legs probably rival the length of her body at birth.

I never knew how time would fly until now, until this moment.

I cherish the few times she will cuddle with me, when she's not so busy bossing me around that she will actually be still and be my baby for an instant. There is nothing more wonderful than watching your child grow and thrive, knowing they are healthy.

But in the same breath, my soul aches to hold a tiny baby again. I want to run my fingers along their wrinkled but soft and precious skin as they breathe lightly onto my chest.

I want to feel those tiny breaths, and cherish the joy of a newborn yet again.

I know my day is coming, but sometimes patience is more difficult than it sounds.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Birthday Girl

My sweet Ryanne is 2! Happy Birthday, sweet baby girl!!

You are so bossy and independent. As I was trying to take these pictures, you were yelling at the dog to come back because he wasn't doing exactly what you wanted him to. After he went to the bathroom, you clapped and celebrated for him like we do for you.

 You can sing your ABCs and count to 10, usually skipping the number 6. As we drive down the road, you point out the colors of road signs, passing cars, billboards, and anything else you can get your eyes on. You know what you want and how to get it. You love your horses and Sadie and Drago, Nana's puppies. You are so energetic and happy it just makes my heart happy!
 You loved eating your "cake-cakes" at your party this afternoon, and had fun snatching from everyone's plate like you were a diva girl. I'm pretty confident you ate off every plate in the room. Haha! You are so tall and I can see so many of mine and your Dad's features in you. Sometimes I just sit back and wonder how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful baby girl.
 We love you Ryanne! Sneak peak of birthday party details coming tomorrow . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I need to Remember

Lately Ryanne has just been too much fun for words. She loves to sing this little light of mine which she has endearingly termed "light it shine" I'm pretty confident that I've heard those three words no less than 6,237 times in the last couple weeks. Ha!

My friend Sam laughingly tells me all the time that Trey and I need another baby so Ryanne will learn to be less bossy. I hate to break it to her, but as Trey already knows, I fear she is a clone of her Momma that just happens to look like her Dad. Which means, in case you haven't already caught on, that she will probably always be bossy.

In the last few months we've been to the same hospital (where she was born) probably 100 times between Trey's grandfather and dad being in the hospital there. She now shouts "Pop-Pop" or "Grampy" everytime we pull into the parking lot. She has the memory of an elephant, I swear.

I started teaching Ry her ABCs a couple weeks back and she always sang "ABC . . . LMO . . . X and Z!" She has finally migrated to the entire alphabet, in speed version lately. She loves to sing scream Next time sing with me!!

It is so amazing to see her grow with each passing day, and makes me long for a new baby even more. Not to replace her, as a couple people have suggested, but just to experience the baby things again. It is so much fun to have a toddler and watch her learn, but a baby is a whole other kind of fun. I want her to be a big sister, and to learn to teach her sibling(s) {Yes, siblings}

Oh, and since I'm sporadically rambling here. She has rediscovered some baby rattles and runs around the house singing "shake your boo-ty" over. and over. Don't know where she learned that, but I'm not sure if I should laugh or be mad. 

Anyway, back to party prep mode. I've got several balloon banners to make, a happy birthday banner, and oh . . . I better not make a list . . . I might change my mind about having this party! ha!

*Side note: My friend, Jenna, is doing a commenting challenge over at her blog so go check it out and join in the fun! Don't worry if you're a couple days late you can still join the fun with us! For those of you reading from Jenna's you can learn more about me here*

Monday, July 4, 2011

Catching Up

We've been passing around a stomach bug over the would've been long weekend, but we managed to squeeze in a little fun here and there. We went to the zoo on the actual fourth. Ryanne has been dying to see a "gatorgator" so we obliged. It is so hard to believe all the words she can say, and that my sweet tiny baby is not tiny any more, and will be two in just a few short days.
We went to my Dad's on Sunday and ate some burgers and grilled out. Ryanne loved some sparklers, but was less than thrilled with the noise of the loud fireworks.

She loved riding the train at the zoo. 

Doesn't she look like such a big girl? Oh my word! My baby is not a baby anymore!! 

Catching up on sleep trying to recover from the virus. 

I'm hard at it trying to get everything ready for her birthday party while trying to squeeze in time to visit Bill, my father in law, at the hospital and go to school. In good news, Bill got off the ventilator today and is doing well so hopefully he will be home with us again soon!! Praise the Lord! 

I have several fun tutorials and crafts to share related to Ryanne's birthday party, so I think next week may just be how-to week. haha! I've missed blogging, and I'm starting to get in a better re-adjusted routine so hopefully I'll be around much more. :)


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