Monday, January 31, 2011

Simple Things

 I love . . . .

 . . . to see her laugh

because she learned how to cut her toe nails. 

Watching her learn new things each and every day: new words, new ideas, new actions is just miraculous. It really is the simple things in life that make life worth living. 

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen."
~ 2 Peter 3:18 


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Memphis Zoo

Saturday is was a lovely 68 degrees (Is it really January?) So we decide to make the trek over to Memphis and visit the Memphis zoo. The last time we went, I was 40 weeks pregnant with Ryanne, and we did everything we could to try and encourage labor : ) 

 Trey and I inside the zoo almost 19 months ago

40 weeks (and 1 day) pregnant with Ryanne. We had walked what seemed like 20 miles with hopes that labor would follow. We also spent hours on a trolley after the Fourth of July fireworks at Mud Island. 
 I just love how observant and interested she is in everything.

They were watching the grizzly bears eat lunch
 The wolves were part of the new Teton Trek exhibit, which was still in it's "coming soon" phase the last time the two three of us visited. 

 But Mom, Why can't I ride like this? 

 Elk, also a part of the Teton Trek exhibit. Trey says "Do you think they could've picked a scrawnier elk?" Ha! Babe, I don't think they had intentions of people hunting them, which I'm sure is what was running through his mind when he said that. 

 The gorilla was amazing to Ryanne. I couldn't get her to say gorilla, but finally got "mokey" out of her. 

 The panda was going to town eating some bamboo. Maybe I'm imagining things, but I really thought the pandas were bigger when we were there two years ago. Then again, maybe it was my reflection in the glass that was bigger. Ha!

 The sea lion (not seal; they made that clear) show was pretty interesting. I loved all the tricks they could do. Ryanne wanted to play ball with them. She kept saying "ball. Ball, Momma, ball." 

We let her down to run free  burn off some energy and she was GONE. 

 But yet so sassy as she walked around. 

 I never knew there were warm weather penguins until the last time we visited this zoo. When we were there in 2009, I remember asking Trey how they hadn't died of a heat stroke. 

 I love these two faces!! 

Piggy back ride : ) 
 Lions, and, Tigers, and Bears, OH MY! 

 The 3 of us getting ready to leave. Some random lady was kind enough to take our picture, so I didn't bother to ask her to actually take one of my child smiling. 

Letting off a little steam outside the gates before we got back in the car for the drive home. 

This trip was so much fun, and a refreshing get a way for us after a coworker of my husband's passed away this past week. It really hits home sometimes when you realize that every day is not promised, and that we truly do need to live for today because there is no guarantee that tomorrow will be here.

Do not boast about tomorrow, 
for you do not know what a day may bring. 
~ Proverbs 27:1

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I've seen several people do this, so I thought it would be a good way for you to get to know me better.

Ask me a question (or a few). Is there anything you'd like to know about me, why I blog, or something I've talked about? Just leave a comment or email me and I'll do a post with all the answers. Happy asking :)

- Leah

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Up to Me?

I have this folder on my web page bookmarks called family planning. It contains all kinds of fun things like house plans, baby bedding, twin strollers, organization systems, furniture, and even private high schools (yes, my only daughter isn't even 2 YET). Essentially it's a hodge podge of things I might need in the future, or probably more appropriately titled things I hope I need in the future. As I was sitting here organizing my bookmarks folders (Yes, I'm that girl), I was thinking about some things I've learned in my spiritual journey over the last few months.

It's all His. 

Our house, my car, our money,  the food in our pantry, Trey, Ryanne, and more importantly my life. His.

Am I using it for His glory? Am I really listening when He speaks? 

Trey and I have made the decision to wait to try for another baby until I get into and further along in nursing school. But is that really our decision to make? My heart aches for another child, but yet we put it off with hopes that we will be able to provide more later. Like most parents, we want the best for our children: the best education, the best opportunities, and most importantly the best relationship with Christ.

But am I modeling the relationship with Him that I want my children to have when I'm not trusting Him to provide for my heart's desires? 

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.  ~ Philippians 4:19

The logical part of me thinks that it is so vital to make sure that I can provide for each and every child that we choose to have before even thinking about pregnancy. But is it my place to decide what "providing" is? As a child, I stressed about so many things that a child should never have to stress about, or even know about. I pray that my children never have those stresses. However, I can't help but think that those exact things play a HUGE role in who I am today. I love the Lord with all my heart, and I can't honestly say that my childhood didn't play a factor in that.

So I sit here and wonder . . . is it really my decision to make? Is it right to put off a blessing God may have in store for us for fear that I can't provide what I think is necessary for them? The rich, the poor, the young, the old, God loves us all the same. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if my children have the best education as long as they come to know Jesus as their Savior?

Project Life: Week 3

This week's pictures are brought to you exclusively by the fancy iPhone. I know I have a nice camera, but some days it just doesn't get used. Especially days when Trey's not home (and hasn't been in days) and I'm frazzled to the bone. I did, however, decide to treat you to (a few) photos of something other than Ryanne, for a change. These pictures may or may not be date accurate, but I know I took them on separate days and at least once a day, that's the idea, right? Don't judge the fact that my brain may or may not turn to push on days when I have to be a single parent. God created Dads for a reason! Hats off to single moms!

Wednesday, Ryanne was cooking up a storm while I was making dinner. I asked her what she was cooking. Her response, "juice" 

 On Thursday, we were having grumpy day. I didn't get the memo that it was supposed to be grumpy day, or I would've been glad to get up on the wrong side of the bed, but apparently Ryanne did.
 On Friday, Ryanne was obsessed with buckling and unbuckling screaming for me to unbuckle her carseat so she could rebuckle it. Of course, with shoes on over her pjs. That is a necessity, didn't you know?
On Saturday, I was so happy to have Trey home that I baked him chocolate chip cookies from scratch. They were good. I'll let you know how good they are later on when I can't fasten my jeans because of them. 

Sunday, this verse was speaking to my heart. I happen to have it on a notebook that I usually take class notes in, and it reassures me. 

Monday night, Ryanne was such a cuddle bug and it was lovely. She rarely cuddles anymore, and she was laughing and cuddling up a storm. It was magnificent. 

 Today, I had string cheese for breakfast. Don't call my nutritionist grandma. She would die.

Want to share your photos? Join in the fun! 


Monday, January 24, 2011

Things I wish I'd Known. . .

 . . . before I entered motherhood!

There are no sick days or lunch breaks.  You will eat your meals cold, and be prepared to console the baby or clean up after the toddler while toilet hugging. These are your new job duties.

Clean now means that you can actually see the floor through the fisher price explosion in your living room.

You will never pee the same way again.

Long showers are kind of like getting a bonus after the economy crashed. Unless you are lucky enough to sneak one in at nap time. Which is kind of like escaping a mob of lions while running through the desert with steaks around your neck.

Poop will make you excited. Whether it's because it's the right color, consistency, or just because it appeared altogether. You will be excited.

Don't judge the woman with a toddler and a newborn pushing two carts through the veggie section while funneling her toddler M&Ms. She has great negotiating skills.

Pee with the door closed. (You didn't know I was going to talk about urination twice in one post did you? Please don't judge me) This might happen again after your kids move to college. The other reference gets no better while you experience empty nest syndrome.

Do things at the spur of the moment. You don't have to pack the kitchen sink, and that's a luxury.

Most importantly: love your body for what it is. Although the glory of childbirth is mesmerizing at worst, your body will NEVER be the same afterward. Cherish it. Even if you have a mole on the back of your left knee. Or a scar under your belly button. Those will soon be the least of your worries.

But no matter what the cost, cuddling and laughing on the couch with this sweet face makes it totally worth it. (And knowing that bedtime is at most hours away) ; )

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I just had to share this video! I love to watch Ryanne's personality develop as she learns new things and begins to explore. It is just so precious and wonderful to have the blessing of watching a new mind develop!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Life: Week 2

We made it to week 2, only 50 more to go right? Ha! I apologize in advance, but I pretty much think my daughter is the cutest thing to ever walk the planet (besides my husband, but in a totally different way) so most of the pictures will be of her. But who doesn't love watching a toddler?? Well, if you don't, you should have your head examined! They're precious. 
 On Wednesday, we went with Trey's parents to try out a new Mexican restaurant in our town. The cheese dip was by far the best thing they had.  Ry loved it so much she was eating it by the fistfuls. Yes, I know, I'm a bad mom for letting her do this. Get back to me when you're done teaching your 18 month old to eat with a spoon like a champ. 

On Thursday, Ry and I were soaking up some Trey time since he has to be away a lot in the coming weeks for work training.  Here he is blowing a train whistle we got in Branson on the Polar Express. Ry just loves the whistle, but never can figure out quite how to blow it so that it actually makes noise. I'll count it as a blessing in disguise.

 On Friday, Ryanne had her 18 month check up. She was 34 inches tall, and 26 pounds which are in the 94 and 85th percentile, respectively. She spent almost the entire check up taking off her socks and shoes and trying to put them back on. The good thing about this: the doctor was amazed at her coordination and Mom didn't have to spend time trying to entertain her. If you want to read more about her 1 1/2 birthday you can check it out here

 On Saturday, Trey had to go to work, so Ry and I basically hung around the house all day. We did have a baby shower for an old coworker of mine to attend, and then back to the house it was. This sassy girl just loved to hang out in her chair. I'm sure you'll see more of this chair in the future. And so will my washing machine. 

 Sunday, we drove Trey to meet one of his coworkers, and on the way back I see that this silly girl who is clearly not related to me hilarious, was brushing her teeth with her hands and her toes!! I had to pull over and snap a quick picture.

 On Monday, she rediscovered her shopping cart from Christmas and spent much of the day pushing it around with the motivation I wish I had when grocery shopping. Think she's too young for me to send her to buy groceries? You don't . . . me either. 

 Today, sassy pants was lounging in her chair watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I got ready. I tried to snap a picture of it, but all 4 I got were super blurry. I think this one is actually from Sunday, but they are essentially identical minus the blurriness of today's.

Want to join in? Go share your photos with everyone taking part in the challenge.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Top Spring Looks!

Yellow Maxi Dress: I just love this yellow maxi dress (granted the ugly manikin is not very flattered by it, but here's to hoping it will look better on me!) And the best part is you can find it here for a little more than $19!

I'm really a capris and flats kind of girl. It makes my soul warm. I probably won't buy anything from j.crew like pictured here, but I love the look. I'll be shopping at forever 21. haha!

If you're going to the Dallas blogger meet up, I'd love to chat before we get there! And if you're not, you should go check out more about it on Taylor's Blog because it's going to be wonderful!


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