Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life: Week 1

A few of these I have already shared, but I though I might as well share them again! One week later, Ryanne was still very much amused by her Christmas toys. Every time she finds a "new" one, she gets excited all over again!
 On Sunday, she was so mad at me when we got home from Church. Dad was at work, and I had 9,000 things in my hand so I put her down to walk. Boy, did that make her mad.
 Monday we got home from the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, after Trey spend the night in the ER after a Sunday fire. Makes me appreciate him so much more, and brings life back into perspective.

 Tuesday we went to a friends house to cheer on the Hogs. I'm sure you saw in my post last Tuesday that we didn't win.
Wednesday, Ry and I just hung out at the house in pjs. She had spaghettios for lunch, her favorite. 

Thursday, Trey was at work and Ry was catching up on sleep so I indulged myself with cocktail weenies bathed in barbecue sauce for lunch. Healthy, I know. That was probably really good for my diet plan. So is all the fudge I keep eating. 
Friday I was so happy to have Trey home that we just cuddled on the couch for hours. I snapped this shot of our feet. Me in my Toms, and Trey in his bare feet. Always.

 Saturday, I was feeling like I needed to pack on some pounds (again!) and made some chocolate fudge. It was delicious. All 5 pounds that went straight to my hips.

Sunday night just before dark, I ran out to take a quick picture of my boots in the snow!

When Ry first saw the snow, she made a bee line for the swingset. She scooped the snow off of the swing, and went to swinging. Only my child would want to swing in the snow. 
Today, Ry was just simply in love with eating the snow. She ate it by the handfuls. 



Unknown said...

Looks like a great week...love the "fit throwing" picture...and guess what? I'm in Arkansas too :)

Ginger@From The Cocoon said...

Looks like a great week...love the "fit throwing" picture...and guess what? I'm in Arkansas too :)


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