Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Streaker

I used to be judgmental. You know, before I was a mom. What kind of crazy person lets their child run around without clothes on?

And then this miraculous thing happened. I had a child. A cute, adorable, intelligent, wonderful child. Not that I'm biased or anything.

All previously made judgements flew out the window. I am now the mom that uses a pacifier past one, feeds her daughter eggs before the pediatrician recommends, bribes Ryanne with popsicles, and lets her scream rather than coddling her when she doesn't get her way.

Yeah, I'm that mom.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I was sitting on the deck watching Ryanne blow bubbles in her pajamas on the deck. At 11 am. I turned around to let Dallas out of the house, and looked up to see her. Naked. On the swingset.

Her little dimpled behind was climbing up the ladder to her slide, while her diaper and shorts laid on the ground discarded like rubbish.

I have also raised a streaker. Granted, she really had no options since I'm not sure Trey knows that pants exist when we are inside the house, but the amount of time it takes her to shed her clothes scares me.

So I guess I will be buying a roll of duct tape, several guns, and a shock collar before she starts junior high.

Friday, May 27, 2011

End of an Era . . .

For the last six months, I've stayed home (almost) full-time with Ryanne while I finished my nursing schools prerequisites. It has been challenging, but wonderful all at the same time. It is so rewarding to be able to be with her every day and see her learn and grow, but it is also a constant test of my patience. But what part of parenting isn't? ; )

Six months ago when I registered for these 27 hours, I thought this day would never come. It seemed so far away, but yet here it is.

On Tuesday, Ryanne starts a new preschool full time, and I start back to school. This summer, I'll be in class from 8-5 Monday thru Friday. During the fall and spring semesters, it will be a little less time on campus, but I'm sure no less demanding. I'm so ready to start this to get on with my life, per say, but at the same time I'm not ready to say goodbye to my sweet girl.

In ways, I feel like I'm cheating her because she won't get to spend as much time with me while I'm in school. When I finish in two years, I'll have my BSN and I intend to work nights so I can stay home with  Ryanne and (hopefully) the rest of my kiddos. In the meantime, however, I feel like I'm leaving her empty handed because she has to go to school full time and miss out on that time with me for the next two years.

When I first went to college, I had no idea what life was really about. I aspired to this great career, and really had zero perspective about the truly important things in life. Ryanne has since shown me that the valuable things really can't be bought, and though they are achievements, they are not materialistic achievements. Memories are really the most valuable thing I will ever own.

It's so difficult at times to be at peace with my choices, but I have to trust that in the end it will work out for the best, and that God is leading me where he sees fit.

Throughout my life, his choices and plans have always proven to be so much greater than mine. As I cherish these last few days at home with my sweet girl for now, I will cling to the memories and know that she will be well taken care of and learn so much in the days to come.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life lately . . .

I finished up the semester and have enjoyed being simply a stay at home mom for the past week and a half. It is so nice not to have to stress about school, deadlines, and planning. I've been enjoying a lovely break from the computer and have tried to limit my social media time and spend more time with Trey and Ryanne. It's so lovely!

 We've been relaxing and playing together. Ryanne is now obsessed with horses and the movie Spirit. We've watched it over 100 times in the last few weeks, I bet!

 I just love this face!!! She makes my day. However, we've been pacifer weaning and she has a major attitude lately. However, we've now gone 4 days without paci!!!
 Ryanne and Trey go out to his parents and pet the horses and her rabbit often. They had new puppies, so she loves to play with the puppy dogs too.

 We stopped at this cupcake boutique that has the best cupcakes and Ryanne loved her "cake-cake"
And we've spent lots of time at the playground swinging and playing on the slides. It's so nice to take a break.

Taking away her pacifier has been super stressful, but the time with no worries has been wonderful. I'm so thankful for my family, even when there are days I want to poke my eyes out. HAHA!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Birthday Prep

I've started thinking about Ryanne's birthday since I have a couple weeks free, I should get the ball rolling. It's so hard to believe that in less than two months I will have a two year old.

She was laying in my lap the other day, and I was just in awe of how big she has gotten, and how not long ago she was so tiny.

Anyway, she has a slight obsession with horses, so I think I'm going to do a farm/barnyard type party with emphasis on horses. I'm leaning toward pink and turquoise as the colors.  The pictures below are some of the ideas I'm mulling over, with my own twist of course. All pictures from Kara's party ideas unless otherwise noted.

Bakerella's cowgirl cookies : ) 

I've still got a lot of work to do, but I'm working on it!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Behind the scenes

One reason we struggle with insecurity: We’re comparing our behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.” Steven Furtick

Several of my friends shared this quote and a behind the scenes look into their lives, so I thought I would play along. I read so many blogs that seem to be "perfect" but in reality no one is, and it's nice to be reminded that we are all human every once in a while. 

  • My laundry rarely ever actually gets put away after being washed and before being worn again. And for that matter, I typically wear jeans and some shirts if they're not obviously dirty several times before washing them. I'm conserving our resources, y'all! ; ) I watched Trey sorting the laundry the other day, and he's sniffing stuff to decide whether it needs to be washed or not. I died. haha! 
  • My kitchen is rarely ever completely clean. My dishes will sit in the dishwasher clean for days because I hate putting them away. 
  • My office "files" are more like piles. I try to file things regularly but usually it ends up being once a year or twice if I'm lucky. 
  • I always buy the exact.same.things at the grocery store, but they're usually not things I need. I think I have close to 40 cans of corn, cream of mushroom soup, and rotel in my cabinets. Why do I do that?? 
  • I have giant baskets in every room of the house for Ryanne's toys. When I get tired of cleaning, random other things get thrown in the basket and covered by toys. Because I'm cool like that. 
  • My bed gets made about once a month, maybe. And that is usually when the sheets have been pulled off the bed and I have to make it to rearrange the sheets again. 
  • I use regular household cleaners. You know the ones with bleach and chemicals. 
  • My car looks like a dumpster exploded in it about 98.76% of the time, but really it was just from a rambunctious toddler wreaking her havoc on it. Oh, and I usually have at least 3 changes of clothes in there. 
  • My trip last month was probably the first time I've worn make up 3 days in a row in over a year. 
  • I let Ryanne play outside in her diaper more often than I'd like to admit. And I rarely remember to put sunscreen on her. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm Alive!

 . . . . just in case you were wondering. haha!

I have one more final tomorrow night, but essentially I'm done with the semester. I finished my 27 hours with a 3.4 for the semester (provided my grade remains the same tomorrow) with a toddler. I think I deserve a daiquiri for that!

The last week and a half has just been absolutely crazy in my world. I went to eat dinner with a friend of mine one day, and she dropped me back off at the house. She came inside, and I'm sure she thought I was completely crazy after seeing the state of mass chaos in my house. I've been slowly cleaning it yesterday and today, making up for the lost time finals caused. I'll finally be able to breathe a big sigh of relief after tomorrow's last test.

Oh, and the best part is I can see my floors again. Haha!

Normal (or my version of normal) blogging shall resume soon. I have to share Ryanne's 22 month post, and I have a couple other tricks up my sleeve. Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I'm Loving . . .

I'm loving . . . my new Coach bag that I picked up at the outlet in Allen on our way home from Dallas. 

I'm loving . . . that after today and tomorrow, I will only have one more final (next Wed) before this semester is over and I have 3 short weeks off. But I'm looking forward to the break. 

I'm loving . . . my new white jeans that I got from Urban Outfitters in Dallas! 

I'm loving . . . these super cute shorts from Gap. I'm always on the lookout for longer shorts to keep my butt a secret from the world. haha!

I'm loving . . . this awesome dress from H&M. I'm dreaming that they'll open one near us, or at least start shipping to me. I mean, geez!! 

I'm loving . . . these long shorts from H&M, too. I really need an H&M. haha!! 

I'm loving . . . Trey's grandpa is doing better. They've started talking about when he comes home instead of if he comes home, which is a huge praise. 

I'm loving . . .  that next Wednesday when I post my WILW, I'll be practically done with this semester. Woohoo! Did I mention that I'm excited. This semester has been challenging in many ways, but with His help, I've prevailed and I'm so thankful that it is almost over. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

DBM and Stress

Y'all, I promise I did not fall of the blog wagon! haha! I spent a wonderful weekend in Dallas with Niki and Whitney. We ate, we shopped, and we just had a blast!

I'm in the middle of winding down my 24 hours this semester, so things in my world are C-R-A-Z-Y, so you'll have to bare with me. I'm going to share some pictures for this weekend, but if you want to know more of the juicy details, you can go visit one (or both) of the two other lovely ladies.

I do just have to say that it was so awesome to get to meet Whitney, Ashley, Jennifer, Britni, Angie, Aly,  Laura, Katie, and all the other fun bloggers! Thanks to Neely for arranging the meet up!

I have 3 test tomorrow, and 2 on Thursday so my I should be back to my regular blogging splendor on Friday when I'll share a vlog of things you want to know! : )

Enjoy the pictures:

Sarah, me, Niki, and Whitney 

The lovely Whitney

Niki and I 

Whitney and I 

Me, Whitney, Ashley, Niki, and Brit and Jennifer in the front 

All these pictures were taken by Whitney. She's awesome, huh? I have a handful that'll share once I can breathe and have 3 minutes to edit them. 

Hope y'all had a great weekend this past weekend! 


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