Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Little More Info . . .



So sorry to bore you with my antics, but in an effort to remember the journey that was Ryanne’s pregnancy and birth, I wanted to share a little bit before I forget any more about it.


As many of you may know, Ryanne was a surprise to Trey and I – but a much needed and even more appreciated surprise. I have always said that God will never give you more than you can handle. I truly believe that God took a great soul in Poppa on October 31, 2008 – but in return he blessed us with Ryanne. Although no one can ever replace my Poppa, Ryanne brings a light and smile into my life that no one else can.


After finding out that there was a baby on the way, Trey and I decided to move back to Sheridan from Fayetteville. Goodbye U of A! We moved in with Trey’s parents “temporarily” and began the process of preparing for baby. Our first doctor’s appointment was January 14, 2009 – when we saw Ryanne for the first time. Of course, at this point we had no idea she was “Ryanne” we only knew that she was this precious adorable baby growing inside of me. It was surreal to see her move. Until that moment, it never really sank in that I was growing a child. The next month, in February we found out that baby peanut was a girl. Still undecided on the name, we got to trim the list of almost 40 in half. It didn’t really make sense to name a baby girl Remington or Drake, now did it?


Soon, we decided on the name Ryanne Annaliece and now that I have met my precious angel it could not be a more perfect name. We also considered Laurel Kensington, but Ryanne’s personality doesn’t seem to fit the name. We began by buying a bedroom set and painting the room pale celery green. We bought letters to spell her name and hung them on the wall. We put away gifts, clothes, diapers as they slowly rolled in. We had two baby showers, one thrown by Johni Beth, and the other by Meme and Nana. We are blessed to have the most wonderful and generous family and friends that truly did shower us with gifts. We could not have asked for more.


I’ll never forget the day that I sat down and my belly touched my thighs. I thought I was going to cry. My sweet hubby reminded me that I’m pregnant, and that is supposed to happen. Anyway, back to the story. By this time Ryanne was getting very close to arriving. I was exactly 9 months pregnant on the day of our final baby shower. Another month passed by, and still no Ryanne. (For those of you who are unaware, a pregnancy is actually ten months) On Fourth of July weekend, Trey and I went to Memphis to get away before we welcomed Ryanne. We went to the zoo, to Mud Island, and watched a beautiful fireworks show over the great Mississippi. We were so anxious for Ryanne to come – we tried all of the old wives’ tales. We rode the bumpy trolley. I walked for MILES. Still no baby. Oh well, patience is a virtue right?


We returned home to go back to work the next week. Yes, I worked past my due date. Why not? On Wednesday, July 9 – I joked that it would be a good day to be born because her birthday would’ve been 7/8/09. She had other plans. I began to feel contractions, slight but obvious and called Trey then drove home. We then ventured to Little Rock. We went to the hospital and were instructed to drink water and take Tylenol to make sure they didn’t slow down or stop. So Trey had this brilliant idea that we should go watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. We did. After the movie, we ventured back to the hospital. My contractions were now about 30 seconds long and 3-5 minutes apart. They admitted me! That is what I had been waiting for – for 10 months! Ha ha!


My contractions stayed consist into the wee hours of the morning, but little to no progress was made. About 5 AM, Dr. Deed gave the instruction to start me on Pitocin – a drug to help stimulate the contractions. Soon they became stronger, and MUCH more painful. She came in and broke my water – which didn’t help matters. There was no turning back now. Ryanne would soon join us. They wanted me to dilate more before giving me an epidural. She came back after what seemed like an eternity and announced that I was now 4 cm and I COULD HAVE AN EPIDURAL. Praise the Lord! I thought I was dying . . . . After the epidural, things were much more fun. Time passed, I slept, five o’clock rolled around. Dr. Deed came back in to check me and announced I was complete. Oh wait, I was only 6 cm. Apparently Ryanne’s head was pulling my cervix down. She decided that she’d pull and I’d push and we’d meet in the middle. I delivered Ryanne at 6cm. I know – crazy! But I wouldn’t have had it any other way. After less than 30 minutes of pushing (I was a champ for a first timer they told me) Ryanne was born. 6:10 pm Friday, July 9, 2009 our precious little angel met her mommy and daddy, and we met her. They put her in my arms and there was no better feeling. It is amazing how much you can love such a little one that you just met. They take her away to clean her up and dress her, etc. I look over at Trey who has this look on his face like I’m dying as he gazes at Dr. Deed stitching up the wound from the Episiotomy. Boy, did his face scare me. Soon it was all better. We held our precious girl and moved into a room so that we could spend more time with her.


What a wonderful experience it all was! More about post-delivery later.

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