Friday, October 15, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5!

Day 5: Your Siblings!

After reading all these fun posts, I've decided to join Katie's blog challenge. Since I'm new to blogging, it will give you guys a chance to get to know me better. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy! Ha!

My siblings are quite the adventure . . . .

Kelsey is the oldest of my younger siblings. (Yes, I'm the oldest - and therefore the bossiest.) Kelsey is about 5 years younger than me. She is very quiet, and shy which is something that I'm just not. We fought a lot as younger children, but now we're starting to get along better! :) 

Then there's my brother, Dustin. He's about 6 years younger than me, and is just an absolute sweetheart! He was the only boy of four girls in our house, and just is absolutely sweet. He also plays football and hunts, but he is too precious for words with Ryanne!

I also have another brother, Hunter, that is a month younger than Dustin. He's my Dad's son, where all of us blonde headed children belong to my Mom. (My parents split and got remarried while I was still a baby.) I can't find a picture of him to save my soul (I'm a bad sister. No, actually I have a stomach virus and don't feel like getting out of bed to hunt one down.) He reminds me a lot of my Dad . . it's kind of creepy, but in a good way! 

And then there's Megan! She also belongs to my Mom. (I apologize for the bad pic - see above) She is almost 10 years younger than me, and is so bubbly and full of energy. She is loud (sometime too loud) but very sweet! I've always felt like more of a mother to her than her sister (call it that oldest child bossy-ness or just my personality), but I love her to death!

And then there's Sydney. She is 12 years younger than me (I think, anyway). She's not my blood sister, but I claim her anyway. My Dad and her Mom got married when Syd was 3 and she's been my little sis ever since then. Ryanne adores her! 

Are you praying this is over yet? Well, that's the end. At least for now, anyway ;) Just be thankful I'm not a Duggar!! No offense meant, I love me some Duggars!


Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

I think our relationship with our first sister is very similar. My sister and I do not get along too well right now but hopefully that changes.

Katie K. said...

I think our relationship with our first sister is very similar. My sister and I do not get along too well right now but hopefully that changes.


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