Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's a zoo out there

It can get rather boring when you have a whole week of nothing to do. We decided to go to the zoo and amuse ourselves, well with the animals and the people who act like animals. 

Aunt Kelsey and Ryanne looking at the monkeys

Monkey. Or something like a monkey. 

Giraffe. He spread is legs out into a V so that he could reach the ground with his neck to eat. It was quite amusing. 

Tiger. Ryanne says "Tiger says Rawwr" 

Mom and Ryanne

Panthers? I believe. The one looks like a cheetah to me so I'm confused as to why it is a panther. But a panther they said it was, so I'll trust them, I suppose. 

Lion. Also says Rawwrrr. 

The bear was still sleeping. It is kind of like me. . . . doesn't want to be awake. 

This bear was curled up playing with it's feet like I've only seen a monkey do. Strange. 

Watching the bear

Posing. That's what we do best. 

This was the biggest porcupine I've ever seen in my life. If we got in a fight, I think we would both lose. 

Ryanne has a new obsession with making this lip thing with her face. I don't really understand it, but its cute, so I embrace it. I know soon that she'll be a teenager and I'll want to smack her face remember this.

Some cheesy posing fun. 

And then we had Chick-fil-A. Because I love it. And so does Ryanne. And Kelsey wasn't given a choice.

The end. Hope you enjoyed our boring trip to the zoo. 

On a better note, I burned 511 calories on this little adventure so that was amazing! I've been running and counting calories for two weeks and I've GAINED four pounds. Shoot me. 

1 comment:

Melanee said...

that chick fil a and those yummy waffle fries may have something to do with the weight gain...just sayin :)


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