Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I'm Loving . . .

I'm loving . . . that there will be more daylight next week, which means summer is coming soon! 

I'm loving . . . that it is less than two months until I'm done with this semester

I'm loving . . . that Trey is back at home and back to his normal schedule this week which makes my life so much easier. Words just can't even explain . . . 

I'm loving . . . that I got Ryanne 2 pair of sunglasses at Target for only $1 each. Steal! 

I'm loving . . . that it is only a little over a month until the Dallas Blogger Meetup. I'm so excited to meet some of my blogger friends, and some new people too! 

I'm loving . . . the advantages of not being pregnant. I just realized that I forgot to add that I can *almost* plausibly wear a bikini this summer. Maybe. Oh, and as Becky pointed out, that I can hopefully have Ryanne potty trained before baby #2 comes along. 

I'm loving . . . that it is only a week until spring break!!! It technically starts a week from Monday, but I don't have class next Thursday and never do on Friday so I'm going to try to get ahead on my work so I'll have a week and a half off. So refreshing! 

I'm loving . . . this hilarious video of Ryanne scolding our dog! She tells him "one, two; one, two, three" I was dying laughing while taking the video (in case you can't tell!) 


Alicia said...

Wait a second! You're going to DALLAS!?!?! I'm SOOO jealous!

Janene said...

$1 sunglasses are AWESOME! After all...we can NEVER find them when we need them so at that price we can get enough to keep some in the car, too! :)

BeckyBranch said...

What Dallas blog meetup? Are you going? Hmmmmmm.......I may go!

Leah said...

Becky, the info on it is here: and yes, I'm planning on going! DM your email on twitter, and I'll forward you the email about it.

Jamie said...

Thanks for playing along!

I'm loving the time change too!

ty said...

Hahaha, I LOVE the scolding :) and a Dallas blogger meet up? I'm not living there now, but I'm super close .... this is interesting.


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